Make Sure Your Resume Beats the Bot

 Hey there! It's your fearless duo, Brianna Rooney and Taylor Bradley, here to shake things up on Talent Takeover Unfiltered. Today, we're diving deep into the digital trenches with our latest episode: "How to Beat the Bot" – your frontline guide to mastering the maze of AI in the recruitment battlefield. 🚀🤖

Strap in as we pull back the curtain on the ever-evolving world of AI in recruitment. From resumes that robots rave about to acing AI-powered interviews, we're laying down the law on outsmarting the bots that stand between you and your dream job.

What's Cracking In Today's Episode?
  • Bot Basics: Get the lowdown on AI's takeover in recruiting. It's not just coming; it's here, and we're prepping you to face it head-on.
  • Resume Revamp: Discover how to craft a resume that not only catches the eye of AI but practically sings your praises.
  • Victory in Video: Master the art of video interviews with our top tips to impress both bots and humans alike.
  • Chatbot Charm: Learn to navigate initial bot screenings with ease, making every digital interaction count.
Why This Episode Is A Must-Listen:
  • We're blending humor with hard-hitting advice to equip you with the skills to navigate an AI-driven job market.
  • Experience firsthand stories, strategies, and solutions for turning AI challenges into your competitive advantage.
  • It's about more than just beating bots; it's about amplifying your unique human qualities in a digital-first world.
Your Key Takeaway?
Here at Talent Takeover Unfiltered, we're all about embracing the chaos with confidence. Whether you're starting your job search journey or aiming for the next big leap in your career, this episode is your guide to standing out in an AI-crowded room. Are you ready to beat the bot and make your mark? Join us, Brianna and Taylor, as we lead the charge into the future of recruitment. Let's do this!
 🔔 Smash that Subscribe Button like it owes you money and never miss out on our blend of banter, brilliance, and occasional badassery. Got a burning question or a spicy topic suggestion? Comment below and watch it come to life! 👇 
We want to hear from you! Connect with us on Instagram at @talent_takeover_unfiltered

To watch this episode, visit The Millionaire Recruiter YouTube channel


Creators and Guests

Brianna Rooney
Brianna Rooney
I am the CEO and Founder of TalentPerch, Techees Recruiting, The Millionaire Recruiter, and now Thriversity. My vision for the last 14 years has been to change the way the World views the Recruiting Industry. Even though I have two little kids, I remain firm on maintaining a work-life balance. I believe you can be as successful at work, as you are at home. You don’t have to choose. The choice is, to be present and rock everything you do!
Taylor Bradley
Taylor Bradley
Chief Strategy Officer, Talent Leader, Advisor, Podcast Co-host. I specialize in turning DIRT to GLITTER ✨
Make Sure Your Resume Beats the Bot
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