How to Showcase Your Employer Brand to Candidates

welcome to Talent takeover unfiltered when it comes to working hard and keeping it real we know our [ __ ] self-care happiness inner peace and time I'm Brianna Rooney and this is Taylor Bradley hey y'all and we have thrived in chaos and turn it into an art form so Taylor what are we doing here today we're here to give you a raw under the hood view of all things recruiting and finally give credit where credit is due to a long underrated industry that's full of quote unquote experts all right well then let's take this show to the road all right welcome to Talent takeover unfiltered coming to you hot bom bom bom bom sh sh letter what Taylor Taylor Bradley over here the one the only yeah more left I'm doing good how are you fantastic good remember you all can watch this on millionaire recruiter YouTube and that's where it's super simple to comment show us love ask questions give us you know who knows the review of the episode or what kind of subjects you want like that's what we're there for we're super excited about that and we do get back so today we are going to talk about building your personal brand so I love it's waiting for it I didn't know you were GNA like build your brand you know so I was ready to go with it Pour and then you didn't do it so I was like step it back step it back well if you missed last week we talked about the brand of an employer because you know marketing recruiting it goes hand inand so definitely listen to that one but this one is all about you your personal brand and I will tell you this is for sure 100% trend for at least a year I would say do you think it's more than that I mean I'm talking about NTA not just uh in other in other aspects um yeah I would say I mean really just this I would say maybe even a year and a half but it's been it's been within the last two years like a recent Trend I'm sure everybody listening is like yeah that's like all you see on LinkedIn now is people just your brand yeah all you see and I think it's because you know you and I have been in this for 16 years we've definitely talked about how to re-energize yourself um so definitely check out that episode for sure um but in this I think people are tired of the layoffs of you know what's going on with us are the Dr money we're used to making x amount now we make this you know like the constant like you know and we're going to throw you aside because AI just came into play you know it's like we're constantly in my opinion being [ __ ] on and when hiring is the most important thing to do probably not a good idea to sh your recruiters um but I think that's why people are doing the personal brand because they want to take their own career into their own hands which is what we're calling the Takeover they're taking over their life their career and now building themselves so if they are at a company and this is what's kind of cool to see too people that are very happily employed and at good companies they're still building their personal brand because it's almost like you need an Escape Route yeah you need to be able to push that button and be like hey I'm cool yeah what are your thoughts so I have a lot of thoughts about this because I feel like it's something that and I've literally had somebody ask me this um and since I was working with you but not because of you but just somebody asked me like do you really think that it's important to build your brand on LinkedIn like does it actually serve a purpose does it help you when you're trying to find a job and that was like a question that they posed to me and I gave them my very very honest answer about that you know and my honest answer is I don't think that it helps you get a job I don't think in today's world where I feel like you look at linked that's all anybody is doing is building a brand um for themselves I think it's still an important thing to do don't get me wrong I think it's important to put yourself out there I think it's important to Showcase what you do or if you're creative and this stuff comes next like that go for it I do think that is great I don't think it's ever going to do you a disservice I just don't know that it necessarily like gives you a Competitive Edge when you're and again this was specifically about finding a job that's the question this person posted to me it's like do you think building a personal brand or like having a huge following on LinkedIn or posting frequently um helps you get a job like in a very competitive market like this and I I were asking bees like for my opinion about me and I was like I haven't really been dedicated to building a personal brand I I haven't and I can be honest about that but I don't think whatever traction I've had from just you know like being on the podcast or um you know posting different things I don't think whenever it came time for me to look for a job it gave me a Competitive Edge at all so that was my honest answer do I think it could for people absolutely did it for me no but did I have I invested a lot of time and energy into that no I have yeah so I think I'm gonna disagree with you here because I think that when you're having like a lot of the the connections and people see your name all the time and hear your voice and and just kind of see you it's almost like oh I I think I know Taylor Bradley yeah you know I I feel like your resume does at least go up in the pile or at least maybe you would know someone that you would that that would network with you that like maybe you wouldn't have if you didn't have that personal brand and that personal voice um I would think but again I mean I haven't obviously looked for a job in in eternity uh but I find that I I have a lot of takes on personal brand I started building mine in 2018 when I did the millionaire recruiter YouTube and there was like no one on there okay like there was like no recruiters doing that um I only did that because of my employee was like how do this and we did a course um but I will tell you I regret not taking advantage of it years ago uh because I just wasn't into it I just I'm I'm not really big on social media it's not my jam I don't watch YouTube I'm not on Tik Tok I'm not on Instagram you know are my Brands yes um and yes I help with content and stuff like that to a certain extent Kate you do most of it uh but um I would say if I took advantage of that I think today I'd be in a very different spot whereas now I the last year and a half I was like oh [ __ ] like this Brand's actually really powerful and this is actually how I've gotten clients and this is how I've gotten into coaching this how I've gotten into speaking like like definitely doors have opened right you know um so I wish I would have taken advantage of it a lot sooner because now it's very crowded yeah so building your personal brand now is difficult yeah for sure um so I think one you have to have a tool for that like 100% um I now use Paiger so we'll put that in um a link for you guys to check that out the from the UK brand new thing that I'm using I freaking love it um you definitely need some kind of tool you need either chat GPT for sure to keep up with like the content the ideas like but at the same time when going back to your authentic voice I think what sucks is please do not build a personal brand if you don't believe in it and if you don't believe what you're doing and if you don't you know you're trying to again just chat chbt [ __ ] everything because there's a difference there I I use it to either Inspire or to make my words just sound a lot cooler sometimes um but I think what's important is we're seeing a lot of these ta influencers that haven't actually accomplished anything so they're trying to sell all these people on this big you know dream of recruiting or starting your own agency and stuff like that when in reality what have you done yeah you know yeah good now I was just going to say I think when you did it like going back to your the millionaire recruiter on YouTube I mean I think you started that probably at the perfect time like you started it there wasn't anybody around doing that you were kind of one of the first in that space it took off you know and you were just this like seemingly regular you know woman I mean now gr I know how like weird how dare you call me regular I how weird his you are but he seemen pretty [ __ ] regular to everybody else no I'm kidding um but you know like it just anybody could do it like you showed just like whenever I go back to like your story your success story of like I mean you didn't go and I'm quoting her y'all so I'm you didn't go to college you didn't have a ton of work experience you started your own business you crushed it like it was success you know what I mean like you you were a Pioneer in your space for the YouTube you were a Pioneer in that space like you've you've done the work you have the track record to show that but whenever I go on LinkedIn these days I'm like how do I differentiate somebody like that versus anybody else on there and it's it's just oversaturated with people that's why when I was asked that question again since we worked together so like in the last six months somebody posed this question to me about do I personally think it can help you in today's world fight a job or gives you a Competitive Edge and I I disagree I just don't think it does and then I also want to go back to you know that episode that you and I did it was it was over a year ago it was so long ago and we were kind of just like venting about like where's our Network you know that's that's disappeared yeah that contributes to my belief that I think I think people like to NE they like to to interact and be engaging with you when like things are great you know but then maybe it's like when you're needing help or reaching it's like where is that Network did building that personal brand help you when you reached out to those people was did it actually help you and so that's where I was like that's my personal experience is that it didn't help when I was reaching out to those people it was like crickets yeah know and so I do think all I had to say I do think it can help people but I have seen it all LinkedIn you know where people put up a post and they've been out of work and I'm talking like we I know everybody's like see those every day and you do like you see them every day but I'm talking about some of the ones that are like really well written and just get you like get you in the heart or the feels or something and then people start sharing it and then people start commenting on it and then somebody's like I'll put you in connection I have seen it work through just like just like anybody a bystander kind of on the outside of like seeing how well like networking and how well people can come through for you um but I just haven't personally lived that and it was and it's usually like again it's something that's got to get you in the fields because you don't see that on every post and that's because you know also there's like literally there's multiple posts a day I mean it's the same soab story I'm not saying that in a tacky way I empathize with that 100% I cannot stress that enough it's like I could I could have posted and I I actually worked with Richard um one of our old employees this was right after you and I stopped working together and he was trying to help me craft like my post and I was like to like say you know I'm looking for work or whatever it just didn't feel authentic to me to do that and it also was just like what am I hoping to get out of this like what am I like what is more me what am I more hoping to get out of this and I think that was a question that like anybody that's wanting to build a personal brand should ask themselves is like what are you getting out of it what are you hoping to accomplish from this because if it is just to fight a job or just I mean you may not get out of it what you're wanting to you could get something completely different but also amazing you know but I think it's one of those things where it's I don't know and maybe again maybe it's just the market and it's oversaturated and that would have these types of posts and Brands would have landed differently two years ago three years ago but now when that's all you see I feel like you've really got to do something to make your your brand your personal brand Stand Out amongst you know the millions of other people and thousands that are posting a day and are trying to build their same brand and are doing the same types of post you know it's it's just like us with this podcast and that's why we feel like yeah we've had any success with it is I mean we're not trying to build we and we hadn't been th far and we're so grateful for all of our listeners who just come to us organically and who like us are being our authentic selves because if we had this podcast be super structured and super ra agenda like yeah I mean it would just take it would it would just it would be overwhelming which is what I imagine like when you're really focused on trying to build your brand and you're like how do I stand out amongst all these other brands how do I stand out amongst all these other podcasts it's like what I think has made us Stand Out is just you know just being ourselves and just talking a lot of [ __ ] and being really honest and authentic and so I think you know that's you've got to incorporate something in building your personal brand that's going to make you stand out over everybody else that's trying to do it because it's a th% oversaturated right now with people trying to do same thing I think when building your personal brand I think what's really important is do what's fun for you yeah because because I'll tell you this like if it is not fun ditch it for sure you know unless un Le you have some kind of very specific end game where everything to do with your brand goes there and it's a job for you and that and you know it's a job then that's a little bit different but it's going to be really it's going to be an uphill battle you know when building that brand and I think what's really important is to build your voice yeah and I want to take a moment to talk about this is brand voice because um actually I have not used this yet so don't even don't quote me on this but I saw an email today it's from copy. a okay um I started to look at them because I was training someone on something else but started look at it and they sent me an email about brand voice literally just this morning I was like oh that's kind of interesting you know I never thought about the tone and voice of my brand necessarily until a couple of weeks ago where I was building a one pager because now I'm coaching so if anyone needs coaching I'm here for that uh but I I really focusing more on like mindset and and tactical as well and so I'm building these like three one pagers essentially to speak to different audiences you know so it's like agent owners recruiting teams um and then I I'm not I think entrepreneurs but anyways so I'm having this right and I'm having a really good friend of mine who's been in the recruiting space for a really long time look at these and she's like I got to tell you this is not your brand voice this is not your really fun this is Corporate are you trying to sell to corporate and one of them I was because it's internal recruiting training I'm like well this one I am she goes okay well maybe you keep that she goes but these are off brand for you no like I like this aspect I like that you know and so she was trying to read it and she's like your brand is really fun so don't take the fun out of it and so she asked me a very serious question she's like do you think you can't sell fun and I was like well [ __ ] I've been selling fun for a really long time because I think recruiting is really fun that's why people work for me I think that's why people watch the Youtube I think that's people come here and listen to our podcast because it's [ __ ] fun it's real it's fun it is what it is and you know exactly what you're going to get after it you know make cry laugh cuss you know and that's fine um so I think that that's really interesting to talk about what is your tone that you're looking for and is that authentic to you and also authentic to the person or people you're selling to and if it's not are you okay with that are you okay with living in your own space and for me sorry Kate as she's listening again she does the brandom marketing I'm like Kate we got to fund the [ __ ] out of this we're like you know and it was funny because I just developed a new website for millionaire recruiter and the person telling me this she's like I'm looking at your website I'm looking at your YouTube and I'm looking at these one pagers and the website and YouTube are on point and these one pages are not so it's like that's why I had to go back to Kate I'm like hey we got to fund the [ __ ] out of this up we're like we're we're not missing we're missing the point here on the brand yeah so all that really matters yeah that's really good advice on the voice of it I think people will probably have some questions about that to dig in there further and it's so it's like I I have a question do you feel like you still do you still place the same value on building your personal brand in today's world that you did two years ago like I I think it's more important I think it's more important I do yeah for for me for me and where I am um I will I will tell you this though uh it was maybe like a a year ago year and a half ago is I would get people like I I would be doing BTO reach out right or or or canidate reach out I I still Source sometimes which is great actually I'm sourcing more now um and people would be like oh [ __ ] I didn't know you were still working because of my millionaire recruiter Persona yeah they were like I didn't think you were still you you still recruited and so it was almost like my brand was doing my a disservice to my recruiting company but yet doing a service to the coaching to the coaching yeah you know so so again it's kind of like so and this is why you know we we talked about in the episode of re-energizing yourself why I'm kind of stuck into what I want to do because built this brand that is getting stronger um but it's going in a different direction and it's like either I halted and pivot into the other direction pivot back or I just let it go um but I don't know I I do think that personal branding is even more powerful because now companies like so so brand ambassadors brand ambassadors and the recruiting company are now getting paid pretty well I mean I definitely there's a lot of affiliate [ __ ] going on which I hate um but there are starting to pay people that are building their personal brand you know um in order to get their brand out and say like for example you know uh um hey uh I use I use get cubby a lot you know Al though cubby doesn't pay me but it would be something like that right um so I that definitely think people are trying to just grab different types of Revenue because the TA recruiting world is so [ __ ] up and they're like I don't know where I'm going to get my next paycheck from because who knows who knows how I'm going long I'm going to have this job who knows if they're going to continue to hire you know so I think that's why people are doing it I yeah no I agree I well so when I post the question do you like do you think it's still as important you said for you yes but I want like as a general question because thinking about how when we started this podcast right like and how many podcast you see out there now like we've been doing this podcast what for over two years we're almost on our 100th episode and so like we've been doing it for almost two years which I mean at the time I felt like I remember thinking like Well everybody's doing a podcast and why would they listen to bars over and and it's you know it wasn't as saturated as it is now everyone is doing podcast and so that's why I was wondering if you think that somebody should still place the amount same amount of time effort and emphasis on things that you and I have saw value in a few years ago it did a few years ago when the market was not as saturated do you think that that is still a top priority for somebody who has no braid at all like say they have a blank LinkedIn canvas yeah okay um I love that question I love that you phrase it like that so if it were me today yeah I would not start a podcast and I would not start a YouTube if this was me today and I had nothing however what I would do is I absolutely would personal brand the [ __ ] out of my LinkedIn I would become a top voice so I I've got top voice in recruiting right now actually um well I won't even go on that one but there's lots of different top voices you can get right um I would definitely contribute to articles so it gives you that clout of like yeah actually I pay attention to my community and I know what I'm saying I think that's a really big deal um and I would go on webinars and I would be guests on podcasts yeah so I'm still I would still be building my brand I would still be building my voice but I wouldn't be building an actual dedicated podcast or YouTube because one that's saturated in two I would have to have a full-blown plan and mon actually full-blown monetization plan for that and with that plan cost money y so it you know you're not going to be Mr Beast hit me up Mr Beast uh not g become Mr Beast with like no money you know like like that because it's so saturated you definitely have to be paying you know anywhere from three to six grand a month to be honest with you like like we've we've I've looked at it myself you know being like hey do I want to because like we grow organically which is really great you know and obviously Kate and Brandon marketing does great too we post and do that but we don't pay for it yeah you know so I think in order to get real traction you do have to pay for it especially if you're starting from scratch and um for me I don't have that I wouldn't have the appetite for that and I don't think the industry has the appetite for it but like that's that's what I was the core of what I was trying to get to is that I think people think that they have to do these certain things to build a brand like start a podcast to and so I'd like that you gave a couple different examples and ways in which if you were starting now what you would do to build your brand because I do think it's just a different time that we're living in and it's just you're you it seems so easy to do XYZ to do a YouTube to do um a podcast and I mean it isn't hard like yeah you just start talking about something so anybody can do it and everybody is realizing that in today's world so it's chat isn't going to make you necessarily stand out I guess is where I'm going with that like these things that made you stand out years ago are not applicable today because it's oversaturated and everybody's doing it so the other ways in which you could build your personal brand who actually Stand Out amongst the masses are being a guest on podcasts um and hosting webinar or being a guest on webinars and then how do you suggest people go about um getting a guest spot on a podcast like what are the steps they should take uh that's actually super easy so I was going to talk to you about this woman that hit me up yesterday she just reached out be like hey I listen to your podcast I would love to be the guest and here's why cool she goes I I've built an agency sold an agency love to talk about your podcast awesome you know so she's doing like reach out right um now what's interesting on her in particular is I've no for commenting on a lot of my posts so I Rec I was like oh who's this that's another interesting tool so if you have certain people that you follow or certain people maybe you want to be like or be in the same arena with I I should say not like Arena um comment on all their stuff because that's how you get recognized you know and I think that's really interesting even like let's just pivot if you're looking for a job start commenting on all those posts or you know like comment on the director of ta post at whatever company you want you know and they're going to they're going to see you and hear you eventually um but where was I where were we going with this oh uh but there's there's tons of websites so um I think it's like pod Hunter there's there's so many um Kate make a list so on on on the YouTube on uh in our comments and stuff we'll put like a list but you can literally just put your profile your bio your you know your headshot of course um your link in and essentially be like what do you like to talk about and why should someone have you on their on on your the podcast and you can be on tons of different websites that's originally how I started getting on podcasts is I just put my profile up there um you can pay if you want if you like really want to accelerate I think the going rate now is like $29 a month in order to really get noticed you know from other po podcast uh or just Reach Out Reach Out directly like come up with a whole list of the ones that make sense for you you know like just like ours hit us up and why though but that's the thing the why the why is so important don't you say hey can I on your podcast and expect that we're going to do the homework and see like hey is this person interesting yeah like that drives me nuts same with job Seekers don't just be like hey I'm looking for a job here's my resume yeah what yeah no no no no no no do your goddamn homework sorry I'm getting upset no don't get up I love when you get upset don't get upset on that uh but I think that's that's our coming up on time here I think that is the broke to boss tip is like when you're building your personal brand know your why know what your goal is you're trying to achieve um because I think even if you're just trying to build a personal brand to help with your job search there's still so much time that you have to invest in building that personal brand like it's an investment and so it's going to be something that you have to maintain too and so it's like understanding your why is it a means to an end because I mean that's that seems like a lot of work to do to just you know once I get this job I'm going to stop you know so it's like know your why and then you I think you have to invest in time it seems like it's something that should be so thoughtless but like I really have to block off time on a calendar to go and engage on LinkedIn or do XYZ on LinkedIn um whe apply a job whatever it is you have to really like be scheduled about it or I found I do because if it's something it's like oh I'll get to when I like lay in bed that night it's like no that's not what I feel like doing so treating it like a job function yeah you know that you have to do I think is really important and you know again roke to boss know your why know your why you're doing it and um I think your brand should align with that accordingly you know yep consistency one last thing I got to add consistency because you talked about it you know looking on your phone like you have all intentions to do it but if you're not consistently doing it like I know um like LinkedIn now they change their algorithms their analytics all the time right so it's like they now don't like you just to like posts you need a comment yeah now they don't want you to reshare post they want you to like you know do it from scratch you know so like there's just so many things you have to keep up now we don't do hashtags you know so it's like you do have to keep up on that and it can can feel like a job I mean like we do the podcast for so many reasons it it it feels good but it's still a mini job right you know it's like here we are and um if you watch the last four episode you see us wearing the same thing it's because you know we pick one day to jam out a whole month yeah you know because otherwise it's you know you're kind of becoming like a slave to to your your podcast which is supposed to be like the fun [ __ ] and it is fun [ __ ] but it's still still a job for sure yeah and anything you do like over and over and over again the monotony of it even if it's the funnest thing ever like yeah I mean like professional athletes that go and you know they play golf every single [ __ ] day right for four hours I cannot imagine for four that's a I mean that's Minal like they no that's like course for like eight hours to print for their like that's their job you know but even even then which like my husband would die and fall all over himself to get to play golf for a living like that's like a dream job to him and so it's something he does for fun and so something he does for fun people get paid to do is like you know mind blown but it still becomes a job to those people point being like where it's like I don't [ __ ] feel like playing golf today well you have to anyway it's like anything that you have to do over and over and over again and that's what I feel like that's going to be so just like also have realistic expectations know your why and have realistic expectations with yourself of like what is achievable and if you don't like to do that stuff and it organically throughout the day like I don't it's not I'm not big on social Med media like just like you I don't I'm not on them a lot on LinkedIn Instagram Facebook none of it and so it's very much something that I have to like be intentional block time put a calendar invite on my calendar to do XYZ with regards to like LinkedIn or engagement because it's it's work to me it's not something that I just enjoy doing organically or will do all throughout the day every day and I know that about myself so I have to set time to do it so I think it's like again know your why have realistic expectations or set realistic expectations with yourself and um you know if you have any questions Brianna is like are building your personal brand gurus so definitely out thank you appreciate that obviously I have a lot of help behind the scenes and honestly motivation um I think that's what's really important too and and something to talk about and it's not this episode is where do you find your motivation so maybe we do another episode on that because we talked about how you can re-energize your career but let's talk about how you find your motivation and your why because people might you know be stuck there and I think sometimes that might be why people are in ruts as well yeah exactly all right well this was super fun I love tell that you're writing that down ferociously so we don't forget thank you love it no because I like that I think that I think a lot of people myself included like that'll be a good episode for us to have and talk through and I I think like you know where do you find your motivation and your why and that could probably change daily too so that's when I'm going to ponder put a lot of thought into before we have that episode and I think that'll be a good one yeah love it nice all right thank you guys so much see you L bye dreaming of starting your own recruiting agency but you don't know where to begin leap over the hurdles with start your own recruiting agency course benefit from my 15 years of experience to avoid the common mistakes and fast track to success turn your dream into reality with this comprehensive guide enroll now and take the first step towards your six figure Milestone whoop whoop click the link at the top of the description to learn more

Creators and Guests

Brianna Rooney
Brianna Rooney
I am the CEO and Founder of TalentPerch, Techees Recruiting, The Millionaire Recruiter, and now Thriversity. My vision for the last 14 years has been to change the way the World views the Recruiting Industry. Even though I have two little kids, I remain firm on maintaining a work-life balance. I believe you can be as successful at work, as you are at home. You don’t have to choose. The choice is, to be present and rock everything you do!
Taylor Bradley
Taylor Bradley
Chief Strategy Officer, Talent Leader, Advisor, Podcast Co-host. I specialize in turning DIRT to GLITTER ✨
How to Showcase Your Employer Brand to Candidates
Broadcast by