How to Build Your Career in TA Through Data With Crystal
welcome to Talent takeover unfiltered
when it comes to working hard and
keeping it real we know our [ __ ]
self-care happiness inner peace and time
I'm Brianna Rooney and this is Taylor
Bradley hey y'all and we have thrived in
chaos and turn it into an art form so
Taylor what are we doing here today
we're here to give you a raw under the
hood view of all things recruiting and
finally give credit where credit is due
to a long underrated industry that's
full of quote unquote experts all right
well then let's take this show to the
road hello welcome to Talent takeover
unfiltered so I'm super excited to
welcome Crystal hun and of course Taylor
Bradley um we are talking about how to
build your recruiting and ta career with
data Crystal how you doing this morning
I'm doing great super excited to talk
about numbers early in the
morning yes it was sexy
right but I like to wake up too yes
iller how are you doing good good how
are you pretty pretty awesome uh yeah no
it's definitely early uh I actually had
the pleasure of talking to Crystal a
couple of days ago and like immediately
I was like can you please come on our
podcast on Wednesday it was that on that
so so so no prep uh but we were talking
about data and um you know data driven
has been like such this Hot Topic data
driven recruiting for like a little
while and I still it's like first of all
what is that is anyone really going to
dig and say what kind of data we're
talking about in
recruiting I don't know anyone vibing me
on this
tor uh well I mean I'm curious to hear
Crystal's thoughts this is this is your
subject so what do you think about data
and recruiting definitely so I feel like
it when Brianna and I talked we we
obviously Hint it off which was
wonderful uh and so you know I think
when you think of data or like it's kind
of like the buz like there's so many
buzzwords that happen around recruiting
and people I think are just like this is
the this is the next thing and it's
almost like you're trying to cook
spaghetti and see if you can cook it to
the right Al Dente and then you just
kind of like stick it at the wall and
you're like actually this doesn't work
or like maybe this actually does work
and so I think people are still trying
to find that sweet spot of what that
actually is and I think for us in the
field we are just kind of like shifting
years where we're not trying to just be
exit uors but we're trying to really be
thoughtful of like how we approach
things and so how do we actually look at
data what does it actually mean and I
think it's so easy to go down this
Rabbit Hole of like okay so we're
looking at all this data we want to see
top of funnel we want to see like how
many hirers get look at our velocity
model and then you kind of forget to
humanize the data a little bit too I
think and then you just kind of like
have to take a step back to actually see
like how does this service meet and like
how does this service what I'm trying to
accomplish and I think that's where the
beauty of it also lies in trying to get
that perfectly cooked pasta yeah I'm
hungry I don't I think that's why I
reference food yeah oh I love that we're
digging into this because you know
oftentimes and even having just hired
for a recruiter role myself oftentimes
like everybody's coached to speak about
data in the interview process like make
sure you mention data make sure but it's
like what data and what is the
significance of the data and and why is
it important it's just one those things
that we are like told and coached to
talk about or to stress how important it
is but do we really understand how
important important it is and what is
the data that we're looking at and what
what purpose does it serve knowing this
data you know so I'm really excited to
hear like what data you track and how
you use it in your process and um you
know what the feedback is on that is it
is it a something that is bought you
know your hiring managers are bought
into like really just curious to hear
how you use data yeah so I think there's
a variety of ways that you can news data
so like one example that I think is
super helpful if you're like um you know
a recruiter that's like working on a
role and you're dealing with some
feedback maybe from like hiring managers
or stakeholders where they're saying
like you know I'm not happy with the
pipeline I'm not seeing enough people I
feel like people's go-to is always like
I I want to see the world and I want to
see like everyone and and their mothers
and and you know um everything that just
kind of allows them to just have
visibility so I think that is one of the
key takeaways is that they want to
understand what is actually happened so
how do you kind of look and articulate
what exactly you're dealing with because
you're on the ground and they're not so
how do you get them to kind of see your
point of view and give them perspective
so I think that's really like the key
takeaway is being able to come through
and help you understand what that
actually means and then it's peeling
back the layers of being like okay so
you want to see top of funnel but like
why do you want to see top of funnel
increase so much when I'm like seeing
that I'm reaching out to 100 some people
per day maybe and then I'm only getting
maybe like two responses throughout the
week but like they're not seeing that
effort being made and so because you're
not giving them the clarity or context I
think that is where a lot of Disconnect
happen and so how do you then use the
data to be able to show them hey I
reached out to like 500 people this week
only two responded like I'm doing the
job I'm doing my work I'm going out
there and trying to like um Market this
role and like find a really great talent
for you but there's only so much I can
do and so that's maybe why you're not
seeing this and maybe why you're
thinking I want to see a funnel so I
think that you know it's not even um a
thing of just top of funnel looking at
data in a certain way I think it's more
like what is the core reason they're
saying what they're saying so like how
do you read between the lines like what
is the The Benchmark that you're trying
to accomplish and then how do you help
mitigate the miscommunication that's
also there to help you influence and
drive the decision that you're actually
trying to to do
yeah I was just going to say one of my
favorite ways to use data has always
been to show hiring managers or
leadership where the bottlenecks are
like I think that's one of the most
powerful way ways that I've used data
but um I'm curious to know Crystal how
would you approach how would you
approach a situation if how do you get
them to see the value in your data if
you're able to show them like hey you
know I'm building out this top of the
frun of these 100 candidates I need
somebody to review them or it's like
here's where the bottlenecks are how do
you get leadership to see the value in
the data that you're
providing no that's a great question so
I think it's part of the Journey of
building trust with your stakehold right
so like I think that's why you use data
as this supplemental tool to be able to
help catapult yourself into this
wonderful relationship because I think
for us being on the grounds like again
we're so used to this we do this as a
living we've like been around the block
in multiple situations or environments
where like we've come across these World
block and us just saying it to New
stakeholders I think it's not enough
right and so when you look at the data
and you're trying to show the value of
it I think there's multiple ways that
you can look at it so you can look at
other data that has come through in the
past of like other roles that you may
have worked on and then you can kind of
work so if it took 200 screens to get to
like two highes or like three highes
then like let's work back how do we
improve this like it's always about
looking at what you can what you can
work towards and better yourself with
and then I think that also helps you
become a better recruiter
too so how do you suggest a as we're
like trying to go through our careers
how um what we talked about like you
have talk about data in interviews for
example but how are you actually
building your career with data like how
like how would that work um like just
with yourself but also like how we even
put that on like a resume even like I
guess those are like two kind of
different tangents yeah I wonder if it
that's a great question um I think one
of the important things to knowe when
you are building and growing yourself
within this field and looking at data is
the impact that you made with it so so
for example if you're looking at data
differance strategies how methodical can
you be in terms of what you used how you
approached it and then what outcome they
served for you so did you use data
driven strategies to um increase
conversion rates by x% or you know make
x amount of higher in x amount of time
so I think when you are digging into and
writing your little bullet points on
your resume so that you can stand out I
I think you can look at it in those two
ways where it's like what did you do in
terms of data to increase conversion um
top of funnel or like uh response rates
I think is obviously key if you're in a
sourcing role and you're kind of F cyal
and you want to showcase that you have
strong messaging um I think you can also
look at it from a sense of like I um
decrease the time that it actually takes
to make a Higher by x% and so I think
you can show data in your metric and
value of like what you've been able to
accomplish but then also on the flip
side like we talked
about describing or articulating that
story of how you use data to influence
those business decisions to overcome
maybe like working with a difficult
hiring manager or you know building that
great relationship along the
way I love that I love that like that
that could actually be an episode just
by itself on how to even write the
resume to show
mebe um because it's like you really
have to go through I mean like I even
think about um when you hear people oh
great we want to hire just F five people
you know it's it's a seed startup all
those things like okay great um so let's
talk through I'm going to give you three
to six rums he's like well can you give
me more I'm like okay let's say you want
to talk to all six can you give me six
hours at least a week at least to talk
to them and then you know it's like and
then you're starting to work backwards
and they honestly don't even get it like
they're just like no I need all of these
people for this particular reason you
know to convert and it's so interesting
to kind of just lay really lay it out
there I mean and that's just like on a
small scale right it's so interesting
that you also bring that up because like
I was actually talking to another ta
professional the other day and they were
saying how they were complaining or like
a stakeholder was complaining to them
saying that they weren't seeing enough
candidate and little and they were you
know blaming recruiting Because I think
we're always the stepchild of the people
function and so we it's kind of always
easy to play um and so you know they
were saying how you know the the
stakeholder was complaining to them
blaming recruiting they wasn't happy
with their recruiting partner but little
did they know that like the the reality
was that they were declining all of the
interviews that entire week because they
were quote unquote busy and then that
was delaying the process so like you
know it's one of those things where how
do you then like create and like give
visibility and then educate stakeholders
like okay this is actually What's happen
and then it just only helps you instead
of putting you on the spotlight because
you are that you know step Golden Child
that you're trying to also
be a step you feel that way too they
heard don't you also feel like
recruiting the little bit of like you're
this little step like you're kind of
like the black sheep of things and then
like you know yeah forever that's Ting
it lightly to how we've described it on
this podcast
historically no we we talk about that a
lot that I you know we talk about
Crystal how it you know recruiting never
got the respect it deserved until what
was it like 2021 and then we had a good
year like one year one where maybe a
year and a half maybe you're not I mean
and it was like then it's back right
back to where we are where we started
you know where recruiters and ta
professionals are like the first ones to
be let go I mean we all see it in this
market right now like it's happening
every single day till there's layoffs so
you know it's how do we get them to see
the value in recruiting which is why I
asked the question of like if if your
key stakeholders don't value data how do
you get them bought into it if they
don't value they don't care you could
show them the data they don't care and
and that's where you know I've been
asked that question I've been in that
experience um myself personally and I my
belief on it is that if they're not
bought into it and they don't see the
value in it at the top down we're
talking about the highest levels down I
think think it makes the recruiter's job
pretty challenging for so many reasons
but it makes the data a moot point I
mean if they don't care about the data I
mean that's obviously indicative of a
ton of other things with the
organization if they don't care about
the Ki experience the data all of the
things the data shows you which is like
the brand the candid all these different
things um I'm just I didn't have an
answer for them and my own experience
was like if you can try to show it to
them in spreadsheets you can try to put
it in a PowerPoint present like there's
all these different ways that you could
try to show it to them but if they
ultimately don't care you're kind of
trying to fight a losing battle and so
that's where my comment to them was like
more so just pick and choose your
battles and you know but be keep all
this data for yourself because if it
ever comes back like what you were
saying Crystal about well you've
declined all the invites for the
interviews so if it comes back to where
a recruiter is getting reprimanded or in
trouble or whatever the case is hands
slapped for not filling a role at least
they have the data and the metrics and
are able to show well here's what I
accomplished and win here's where you
know the invites you decline they're at
least able to tell their story and it
backs up and validates you know the the
work that they've done on the role not
just like oh well you failed because you
didn't get this hire the data will help
you make your case if it ever comes to a
situation where you're getting in
trouble for the role not being filled
for circumstances that are outside of
your control exactly the data is also
like your receipt right yeah it's um
it's exactly what's going to help you
later on and it's so funny that you
bring that up because there was one
moment where I was actually working on a
design role or a product role yes it was
a product role and we just were not
finding the right candidates apparently
that were going through the process and
I was trying to show the data and I
created this wonderful spreadsheet and I
love color coding I was like all right
this is wonderful I'm going to present
this I started presenting it because we
were missing all the benchmarks I
highlight like I highlighted all of the
conversion rates of where we were
missing like things and like what my
suggestion were so that we can kind of
like get this uh get the ball rolling a
little bit more and she honestly could
care less and I was like well you know
what I am proud still that I SP like a
few hours on this document because now
when we kind of go back to it at least I
tried something and like I tried to find
Solutions this was what it was but like
you said it's like almost it felt like a
losing battle where you just didn't care
and sometimes you do have to pick a
choose like okay so I wanted to show you
the data this was my kind of Pale marage
let's then go back to the drawing board
to see like what what is it that you
actually want now like what are you
truly unhappy is it that you just don't
want to partner with or like is it
because you you know you never know um
or is it the fact that you just truly
want to see everyone Under the Sun and
then I think that in our role kind of
goes back to the beginning of sometimes
you just have to like manipulate things
a little bit show them great candidates
show them not the great candidates and
being like make your pick kind of deal
so you go back to basics on that one too
sometimes yeah well that that's kind of
like a fomo effect like I well like it's
like you're you're missing out so um I'm
dating right now but like that's kind of
like like like on the app so it's like
well I don't want to turn it off because
what if exactly oh you know and it it it
is kind of silly where it's like what is
this going to be like in a like a
NeverEnding Story and like that you're
not actually going to then hire and
you're not going to then get this
project done and then you're not hit
those numbers it all again goes
trickling back to the data but okay I'm
going to going to push back on this data
thing because here's what I've noticed I
would love to hear your thoughts data
matters when things aren't going well so
how do we still care about data when
it's going really well and we like you
talked about we want to show how we're
getting better and better and better but
you realize like they only ask for data
and you're really only showing it when
it's not
working yeah so I think it's one one of
those things
where consistent right it um I think for
us in recruiting when you're looking at
data there's always like the basic
Benchmark and um it's one of those
things where uh you
know you can also leverage like your ATS
systems right and I think that's why you
have um things in place looking at data
Integrity so that you can continuously
um um have have it up your Helm if you
really need to pull right so you can do
it on um I think if you meet with your
hiring managers or stakeholders weekly
or you have like weekly Talent meetings
I think it's always important to put at
least five minutes off to the side being
like okay this is the health of how
we're benchmarking um or how we're
trending in terms of like our
conversions um you know we're above
Market or like we're above the the
industry or like we're a little bit
below maybe one of the next topics that
we do in the next meeting meeting is
talk about like our email messaging
strategies or like you know let's let's
do this so like at least then you can
also add value to your actual meetings
too and like have a little bit of meet
along the way um but I think once you
use it as or like not necessarily think
of data as like I only want to do it or
I only want to pull it when I really
need it I think that's when you start
separating or like putting a hierarchy
fun data and the relationship that you
have with it when it's not going to go
away right it's constantly there and so
that's what I think you know we fall
prey to the fact that you know people
only want to see the data and you're
scrambling for it that's what you don't
want to do when things are going you
know maybe not as well as you really
want them to and so I think when you
start approaching data as like you know
the little like flavor water packet that
just help you and you know keep you
hydrated along the way with electrolyte
um I think when you constantly look to
me I love
it see exactly so like you use it as a
supplemental method and I think that
when you start you know not necessarily
fighting it but you use it as a weapon
or like you know in your little toolkit
as like a cheap code I think that is
what's going to help yeah so you brought
up something at the very beginning of
this conversation that really resonated
with me was like a light bulb moment
that I had recently whenever I was
entering re-entering the job
market is I had used data always as
we've talked about in this entire
conversation just to tell a story about
the recruitment life cycle but I'd never
used it to track like accomplishments or
achievements of my own Beyond like what
you need to provide in like an executive
summary to a a manager or a qbr or
something like that but it wasn't until
I re-entered you know the job market was
looking for a new role I'm like that's
that's what you need to have on there I
mean that's a feedback I got from
multiple people on my resume is like you
need to have those key achievements and
so I had a shift in my way of thinking
of because I just haven't had to really
do this before you know and it was again
very humbling moment for me but I was
like I need to start keeping track of
this key accomplishments and
achievements at every single role just
like my own running data list of what
I've accomplished you know if I
successfully hired you know a CFO in 18
days well that tells us story and I need
to just keep track of that versus like a
you know what have you done for me
lately and that's what I've always done
is just like that's and then on to the
next one and on to the next but I've
never kept a running list for myself
that's like a document that I
continuously update for each company not
just in addition to your resume because
I think this is where it's going to go
that's what the data helps with is your
resume but still just having those that
you can refer back to even whenever
you're you know interviewing and being
asked those questions about like what
was the most notable achievement you had
at ex company you you know it's just
that point of that data that you have
right there accessible and it should be
a running list that you're just
continuously updating as you achieve
Milestones or or what you feel are great
things at your in your roles at your
company um and so I've you like you've
shifted my perspective on that of like
man I was like I don't have that data
when I was trying to put together my
resume I'm like trying to think back a
few years and it's not like it's just in
the most recent role they ask you that
so for our listeners I mean you could
get asked that um you could get asked
that for several roles back and which
could date several years back so and I
also know that that's what hiring
managers look for like that's as we talk
about you know Trends and different
things that that you need to do in 2024
that's one I would say is that like have
your notable achievements and
accomplishments on your resume because
hiring managers are looking for that
they want to see that on the resume
versus in a conversation is where you
think okay that's where I normally bring
it up nope it's the trend to have it on
your resume and it's hard to remember so
keep track of it and on your link in so
we talked about this you know before
just you know when we were working
together and we're like you know you're
doing your um like performance
conversations and hey how's it going and
[ __ ] like that right and it's like well
I don't know what did I do in the last
before two weeks ago I don't even
remember what I did yesterday um what I
loved is when you talked about the data
Integrity because I look at putting data
in sometimes as like admin work my God
God got to put my numbers in got to put
my send out how many you know like stuff
like that it kind of seems like
exhausting but you really hit me with
something where it's like no it's you're
literally ruining your data if you don't
keep going this isn't just for shits and
giggles this isn't just to put it in and
say yay me you know it's actually
looking back what are the real Trends
what are we seeing and then being able
to educate you know the hiring managers
the industry um and just find all those
constant Trends I I love I love that you
said that definitely it's like one of
those things where it's like you you
have to do it but you don't want to do
it exactly like you said because it's
like tedious right like you literally
have to do this because it's not going
away but it's also like it's not going
away right so when you do need it then
it's kind of like you have to backtrack
and then you just make life a little bit
harder for yourself and life is already
hard like you know you're you're trying
to make it work for you and this is how
it this is how un vir you got to do
it love it yeah so Crystal what would
you say is your broke to boss tip for
listeners for this
episode so if I had anything to say hire
managers assume recruiters assume data
doesn't and so that is a mic drop from
there yeah I just got the H who would
have thought numbers give something the
chill I know right women lie men lie
numbers don't
lie exactly Little Wayne another quote
by Little Wayne no I love that I here's
what's the more like polished
professional version of it mine was like
the rap trap Queen version you know that
is pain from though so who's to say that
rap can't
influence yeah influences me
daily okay Crystal thank you so much for
being on here um you know the way that
you talk about data and talk about how
it can drive you know um your career
your the impact um I love that love the
strategies and I think our listeners
will really really really enjoy that so
as you're listening to this as you got
you know writing ferociously cuz I know
I did uh please share it share it with
friends families all over the place so
thank you so much thank you for having
me see you next week bye
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