How to be a Badas$ Woman
Welcome to Talent Takeover Unfiltered. When it comes to working hard and keeping it real, we know our shit. Self care, happiness, inner peace, and time. I'm Brianna Rooney, and this is Taylor Bradley. Hey, y'all.
Brianna Rooney:And we have thrived in chaos and turned it into an art form. So, Taylor, what are we doing here today? We're here to give
Taylor Bradley:you a raw under the hood view of all things recruiting and finally give credit where credit is due to a long underrated industry that's full of quote unquote experts. Alright.
Brianna Rooney:Well, then let's take this show to the road.
Brianna Rooney:Hey. Hey. Hey. Talent Takeover Unfiltered coming to you live with Taylor Bradley. What's going on?
Taylor Bradley:It's Friday. That's what's going on. Like, we're recording on a Friday. Obviously, for it to air on Tuesday, but feels good. Feels good.
Taylor Bradley:It's been a long week. Feels good that we're at the end of it.
Brianna Rooney:It does. And today is actually a national woman's day, week, month. It should be every day. Right? Oh, it should be every day.
Brianna Rooney:We I know. I I just don't understand. Don't even get me started. Actually, I have a question. Do you like Mother's Day?
Taylor Bradley:Yes. Like, does the bear shit in the woods? Who doesn't like Mother's Day?
Brianna Rooney:I personally get a little, like, insulted by Mother's Day. Like, why are we have one day to celebrate us? And then, okay. Alright. So I'm divorced.
Brianna Rooney:Sorry. Tangent right now. I'm divorced. And in the divorce, the lawyer was like, okay. So, obviously, you'll have the kids on Mother's Day and your husband will have the kids on Father's Day.
Brianna Rooney:And I was like, can we reverse that? I wanna go to the spa on Mother's Day and go celebrate how great I am. I don't know if I wanna be with my kids on Mother's Day. I'm with my kids every freaking day.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. Well, no. That part of it, I get. That makes sense. But, like, I mean, I feel like it's kinda the same thing as, like, your birthday.
Taylor Bradley:Like, you should technically be celebrated every day, but your birthday is, like Okay. I know. Fair. But I think it's I think because on the flip side of that, because we are with the kids every day and you're so, like, just in the thick of it with the routines, the schedules, the school, the all of that, like, shuffling them to and from places, I think it's actually nice to have a day like Mother's Day where it's like you do whatever you wanna do. Like, if you wanna go to the spa, if you wanna do whatever, I think it gives you, like, that pass.
Taylor Bradley:And for me, it's a guilt free pass where I'm like, okay. This is actually my day. I can do whatever the fuck I wanna do. And then on the flip side of that, you know, Erin could go golf on Father's Day. Like, go do whatever you wanna do.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. Right. Exactly. Yeah. The Lord is like, I'm not gonna switch that for you.
Brianna Rooney:That doesn't look good. I was like, okay. Whatever. Anyways, but this episode is really all focused on how to be a badass woman. You're a badass woman.
Brianna Rooney:I feel like I'm a badass woman.
Taylor Bradley:You are. You are indeed. I feel like we both surround ourselves with badass women because, I mean, I think that's part of being a badass woman is empowering other women, uplift like, surrounding yourself with women that you feel like are on your same level mentally, emotionally, professionally, whatever the case may be. You know? I think that's part of being a badass woman is surrounding yourself with other women that are badasses.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. So I had a coach tell me you are only as good as your weakest employee. Right? So he goes further and said, you're only as good as the top five people around you. So I had to, like, really sit down and be like, shoot, who do I talk to the most?
Brianna Rooney:Who are my who are my top five, and who am I getting rid of? Yeah. You know, who am I bringing up from the minors? That's And I think that's super true.
Taylor Bradley:I mean, really, like, at this day and age, like, the age that we're at, I mean, do you really have people when I see stuff like that, I'm like, I don't have, like, dead weight around me, people, because, I mean, you have so like, I feel like I have so little time in the day between work, between kids and being mom and being a wife and all of that stuff that it's like I I feel like I have to be really intentional about trying to make time for the people that I wanna make time for and to include my family, right, not just friends or people I surround myself with. But, I mean, I I can't even imagine being the age that we are and having the time to just have, like, deadweight people around you that are, like, not making you better or uplifting you or are having just a positive impact in your life? Like, who has time for that?
Brianna Rooney:Well, I'm actually and and for the listeners, I am dying to know this. How many of you feel like you have dead weight? Like, you've had a friend since high school, you know, or maybe you have a family member that you just can't stand that every single time you talk to them, like, you are upset afterwards, or you feel away, or, you know, you feel anything but positive. I want we want to hear that because I think it's actually super common. I think it's super common for people to give people a pass because they feel some type of loyalty.
Taylor Bradley:I think family's different, though. Like, family I I have to imagine you wouldn't wanna, like, talk to that person every day if they're just super negative, but I feel like family kind of gets a pass. Like, that's your family. You know? Or I know my sense of loyalty to my family is, like, pretty strong.
Taylor Bradley:You know what I mean? Like, there's not I'm not gonna cut my it would have to be something very, very extreme, and I couldn't even think of an example for me to cut my family off. But I think when it when it is elective and it's friends, I think it's very easy to cut somebody off that's not serving their purpose in your life. You know what I mean? Or a per positive purpose in your life.
Taylor Bradley:Like, if but it's different to me. Like, if somebody's just going through some shit and they're really negative because they're going that's a completely it's a season of their life. Like, that's a completely different situation to me than somebody who is just negative all the time. And, I mean, we've talked about it before. I've had to establish boundaries with people in the workplace that I was friends with that were really negative.
Taylor Bradley:And but, ultimately, like, that changes the friendship. Is it really a friendship? Would you actually be friends outside of work? You You know what I mean? Like
Brianna Rooney:me and my work? Uh-huh.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. And and if you didn't work with them still, would that friendship maintain I feel like that's the testament of true friendships to me of, like, I've had work friends. Everywhere I go, I have work friends, and, I've taken people with me as far as, like, these people have become my best friends for over 10 years now that I we met through work, but they're not deadweight people. They're like, we uplift each other. Now did we have that original bond through work?
Taylor Bradley:Absolutely. But, like, we're still buddies, you know, and tight. But, yeah, I don't I can't even imagine making time for somebody that is just dead weight or is not uplifting or is super negative. And any exciting thing you have going on, they're just, like, wanna shit all over it. Like, why would you talk to them?
Taylor Bradley:As an adult, when you don't have to and it's not family that you have to see somewhere
Brianna Rooney:in some
Taylor Bradley:family function, like, why why keep that person around?
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. So I think that that's hurts confidence a lot, and I think the Yeah. Part of the recipe what we I wanna talk about is what makes a badass woman. And first and foremost is, I think, is confidence. But confidence, I will say, as a whole is can be really hard.
Brianna Rooney:And, like, I even like how you say the season of your life. The season of your life, your confidence kinda sways and shifts and stuff like that. And I think it's so important to have that support and for me to be and and I've been able to do this with you, so I'm super lucky to have you in my life. And we met through work.
Taylor Bradley:But Yes.
Brianna Rooney:That I can come to you and just kind of just be like Yeah. Shit is just not okay.
Taylor Bradley:And you know what? I and to get into our friendship specifically, what's really matters a lot to me is that, like, you're positive. Like, everybody knows you're infectiously positive, but you also validate me, and that's really important. Like, if I'm going through something or something happens, you're not like, well, you know, you know, get some sleep or take a Xanax or go have a drink and you'll feel better tomorrow. And it's like it's just, you know, like, you validate how I feel, and then we talk about, like, how we're gonna move forward.
Taylor Bradley:And and same thing with you. Like, we validate each other, and I think that's really important for me and my friendships. I need to feel validated and not, like, as positive of of a person as whoever can be, that it's not like they already want you to push through to the other side without just, like, sometimes you just need to get it out, and you need to just bitch and vent and and then know that it's gonna be okay. But I actually feel like there's just such a a good release that I get from just, like, getting it out instead of internalizing it and thinking about it and obsessing over it. And then that is part of my process that helps me move forward is, like, here's what's going on.
Taylor Bradley:I need to get it out. I need to talk to somebody that understands and that can relate to me or relate to the situation and then move forward. But, yeah, I think it's really important to have those people around you. Like, have the relationship and that dynamic where you can feel validated, but, also, they're not gonna let you, like, stay stuck and wallow in it. You know?
Taylor Bradley:Like Yeah. Like, stay in
Brianna Rooney:the fetal position and just bitch and complain. Yeah. I I will say over the course as as I've gotten older, like, I've kind of found my way with that because, like you said, like, my nature is, like, okay. Let's just pick you back up. Right?
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. And then I realized it's not very helpful. Right? And then how long do you let someone vent versus do you just wanna vent, or do you actually want my opinion? Do you want my advice?
Brianna Rooney:Like, those are all, you know, an interesting thing, but, but, like, I I mean It's like what
Taylor Bradley:every man says about us. Like, every man goes through with women is, like, do you want an opinion? Do you want an event? Like, what what's happening here?
Brianna Rooney:What what what are we doing? Well, I actually go through that with my brother, believe it or not. And, you know, it's because, you know, he's he's 25. Right? And so 39.
Brianna Rooney:40 this year. And, you know, he goes to everybody and and wants different advice. But it's like, well, that's kind of a recipe for disaster because you ask 5 different people, you got 5 different opinions. So then now, it's like, where do you go? So I've actually been really clear because he's, like, you're so harsh sometimes.
Brianna Rooney:And I'm, like, dude, do you want, like, what do you what what do you want from me? Like, please tell me. And so I actually had that hard conversation with him just so we could get closer. Yeah. I I know I know he's not a woman.
Brianna Rooney:We're talking about women, but, you know, same thing.
Taylor Bradley:No. It's we're talking yeah. We're talking about relationships, and I think I I think that's really important to have that. And then, like, to have women that are not that don't always view you as competition. I feel like it's just one of those things that's, like, when I find the people I connect with and, especially at our age, I, like, latch on.
Taylor Bradley:I hold on to them because women are so competitive with other women and actually typically do tend to take the approach of of being competitive or, like, wanting to shit all over something that you have going on. And, you know, I I think I could go into, like, how where I think this stems from, and I don't think social media helps, you know, with how we all feel about each other and comparing. I actually think that that's
Brianna Rooney:a really either just great episode or even, like, a live webinar with, like, an ask me anything kind of thing, because Yeah. Why do we compete with each other? Like, how do we communicate and move forward as, like, a unit? Right? Like, I think that's a totally like, how do we empower women in general?
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. But, like, for last night, I I'm at I'm at the science fair with Lima, and, you know, talking to moms and stuff, and and, her birthday's coming up. And so I definitely go all out for parties, and so they remember the last year. And so they're talking to me, and they're like, oh my god. You go all out for parties.
Brianna Rooney:Like, I can't do one as good as you. My son always or my daughter always wants one like you do, you know. And it's like, I don't think they realize that they're trying to compliment me and they are complimenting me, but I'm like, am I supposed to, like, be, like, sorry? Am I supposed like, you know, like, immediately we're kind of, like, there's this, like, competition Intentions are good. Intentions are good.
Brianna Rooney:I'm not supposed to feel away. You know?
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. Well, okay. So and I agree with that lady about your parties, but I I'm I'm, like, here to tell you be the voice of reason. That's a compliment. And but I think that that's less of, like, a competition thing versus, like, a mom guilt thing of, like, you're so creative and the stuff you're able to throw together, and it's just awesome because I have other friends exactly like you like, same as you.
Taylor Bradley:Y'all are all I put in this category of, like, very creative and are able to just those things come naturally to you, and so it is something like, we could talk about competition, confidence, and then the mom guilt is a whole another category where it's like Yeah. Okay. Well, that's what I that's what she's able to do for her kids. I envy that. I should be able to do that for my kids.
Taylor Bradley:Why doesn't that come easier for me? Why is this, like, you know, I think that's probably where she's coming from there is more of, like, a, envy and kind of mom guilt of, like, I I would love to be able to do something as good as that for my kids, and you throw the best parties and things. Like, because it's true. You do. So I think that was totally a compliment.
Brianna Rooney:Oh, yeah. For sure. But I I like that you hit it because now it comes a lot lot more clear. It was her mom guilt coming through. I guess on the other side, it's like, how am I dealing with her mom guilt to help her feel good?
Brianna Rooney:You know? So now it's I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Taylor Bradley:I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know about that. That's a great thing to ask yourself of, like to kinda see through what she's doing there and, like, how did I respond and, knowing that this is now knowing that it's mom guilt, did I feel that?
Taylor Bradley:Did I make her feel like, what what did you say?
Brianna Rooney:I actually just said, oh, thank you so much. I love throwing parties. And she's like, you just live on Pinterest, don't you? And I'm like, you know, I love Pinterest. You know?
Brianna Rooney:And so it was just like, you know, yay. But yeah.
Taylor Bradley:I I
Brianna Rooney:mean, yeah. It's it's but I think that goes back to how do how would a badass woman handle that? Yeah. You know, without the mom guilt. So it's like, hey.
Brianna Rooney:Can't wait to go to Lima's party. You rock the parties. We look forward to it all the time. You know? Oh, my god.
Brianna Rooney:Do you live on Pinterest? Where do you find your ideas? I don't know. I think, like, the way that we word things and and I hate to, like, go into, like, oh, you gotta really think about your words and pause and do all these things, but I think it's just knowing how your words make other people feel. But, like, so if I'm gonna have mom guilt with you, how does that make you feel even though that's my mom guilt?
Brianna Rooney:You know, like,
Taylor Bradley:I Yeah.
Brianna Rooney:And I don't wanna take away the compliment, you know, but, like, I don't know. Yeah. I feel like I'm I'm on a weird tangent here. I don't even know how to handle that just because I know the guilt. Like, I have to talk to myself all the time.
Brianna Rooney:Nope. Not guilty today. Not doing it.
Taylor Bradley:Oh my god. I I'm, like, all the time, like, am I gonna guilt myself over this? Am I not? It's it's, like, the amount of thinking I do about thinking about feeling guilty is just fucking insane to me. I'm like, the mom thing, I tell my husband all the time.
Taylor Bradley:I tell Aaron, like, this is it's a category that you can't just cause you're a parent doesn't mean you understand mom guilt. It is something that is in a league of its own. It's completely different. It just happens. It's like a switch somebody flicks on once you have kids, and, I mean, I guess maybe not for everybody.
Taylor Bradley:I shouldn't label that for everybody for but for a lot of people I know. And so I think it just becomes one of those things that's, like, it eats away at you, and you have to just talk yourself out of it. But, I mean, I think I think that right there is kind of a a great example of, like, she was probably coming to you. Having been that person before that she is and knowing the place I was coming from was, like, she was trying to compliment you and say, because mom guilt is, like, such a thing, we have a we you and I have another friend that throws really great parties too, and I think I've said those same exact things to her about, like, man, I just wish I like, I I wish this came naturally. You do it with so ease so much ease.
Taylor Bradley:You have so much fun doing it. It doesn't seem like something that is just, like, a daunting another task that you have to do, and it's goes off without a hitch. It's so creative, and you think that you're giving them a compliment. You know, you're, like, really like, as a mom to mom, I'm trying to give you a compliment because I'm sure that you put a lot into these parties and probably stress about if it's gonna be good enough. And so I think, naturally, we compare ourselves to other moms.
Taylor Bradley:So to have a mom tell you, I think this is I wish I could do this like you like, trying to hype you up, I think that right here is the example of, like, the competition. Like, you don't know if you need to take that as a compliment or if she's actually trying to, you know, be passive aggressive, like, maybe a little critical. Like, we Yeah. Automatically go into competition mode sometimes.
Brianna Rooney:Yes. Yes. Okay. I love that we're talking about this. So a recipe to be a badass woman is know how to take a compliment.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. That's a perfect one. Yeah. Like, to summarize this, know how to take a compliment and take compliment guilt free, I think, is too. Like Guilt free.
Taylor Bradley:Without Mhmm. Without feeling guilty about it. I think that we could go into other things with, like, make decisions without feeling guilty about it, whether that's do something for yourself and don't feel guilty about it. Take time. You need to go to the spa.
Taylor Bradley:Take a break. You know? Like, take a break from the kids. Take a break from whatever, and do it guilt free. That's another way to be a badass woman is, like, make whatever decision you're making, do it without guilt.
Brianna Rooney:Yep. Exactly. Own your decisions. Mhmm. Own your decisions.
Brianna Rooney:Learn from the failures. Talk about them. And I also think talking about how you failed is a recipe to be a badass woman. So not just like, oh, I'm failing behind the scenes, but now I'm gonna talk about it. I'm gonna talk about the shit that I did in order to, one, vent, but also to help.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. You know, and also to say, like, look, I'm not perfect. Nobody's perfect. Like, we're not trying to have this, like, facade.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. So it's like, own your decisions. Own your failures. Mhmm. I think that's the other going back to, like, what we're talking about with social media, that's the that's the shit that drives me crazy about social media is that it's creating this thing.
Taylor Bradley:And I think about it more not for myself, but for my kids, and they obviously don't have it yet. But as they grow up and, you know, we didn't grow up without them. Like, what effects is this gonna have on on them, on their confidence, on literally everything? But you can't keep them from it. Like, there is no keeping them from social media for their entire lives.
Taylor Bradley:Like, it's not gonna happen. You know? Eventually, your kids are probably gonna make the decision, whether they be 22 or whatever. Like, they're gonna be adults to be able to make that decision as much as you wanna, like, keep them from it as they're growing up. It's gonna happen.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. You know what? I I don't want a tangent on this because I, honestly, god can make this an episode, because, you know, I feel about about school Yeah. Not really helping the way that it needs to. But, honestly, with all of the fraud and all of the facade, I actually really think this should be a lesson in school.
Brianna Rooney:Like, yes, parents should should do their own thing, but we can't can't always rely on parents. It's freaking hard. Right? But I think this really should be a lesson in school. People are getting taken advantage of left and right.
Brianna Rooney:People are, unfortunately, you know, committing suicide because they see this really great life on the other side and they don't have it. And I think that that's really scary. So I think going back to how to be a badass woman is it's like, look, take with a grain of salt. Like, you might see, you know, I, I know we all have friends whose social media looks way better than you know it is. Right?
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. Yep. So, like, just take it as a grain of salt. Like, look. It's not healthy to compare.
Brianna Rooney:We all do it, but it's just not healthy. Like, we have so to be a badass woman, you know and own your own uniqueness, and you just strut it. You know, on however you wanna strut it, you strut it. So I think that's that's kinda like, you know, thinking about your quirks or your quirks your quirks. Yeah.
Brianna Rooney:I can't even say that word right. Yeah. But think about, like, you know, like, look, you make yourself laugh. You laugh at your own jokes. Good for you.
Brianna Rooney:You know, like, whatever, like, whatever the hell it is.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. That's important. I think that I think that we are in a day and age where, again, going I I don't wanna harp on this, but, like, social media has created what I feel like I feel like our generation had a lot more confident women, women that, like, you know, had we were who we are was shaped more by our actual experiences versus, like, social media or what we see online or life that we're pretending to have or live up to, like, their actual experience. So I feel like, again, it scares me with the women that are in these younger generations that that grow up on social media. I mean, we see it already with, like, the different plastic surgeries starting so, so, so young.
Brianna Rooney:Oh, yeah.
Taylor Bradley:And Yeah. And, I mean, that's another thing that that, like, mind blown at, you know, parents that literally have to sign the form because the kid is 17 to get, like, lip filler or or whatever it is. It's like, I don't think this stuff would exist if social media didn't exist, you know, this stuff and having this confidence. So I think it's gonna be really, really important for us, you know, especially the the people that are raising women like you are with Lima to, like, just make sure that she's really, really confident before she gets in this social media stage eventually that she will get into and, like, knowing what's real, what's fake, and just feeling so confident in herself that she doesn't give a shit what she sees on there or what somebody else like, life somebody else has, which is hard to do because we all look at it. We're like, we know it's fake, but we have to still remind ourselves of that sometimes because you see something, you're like, well, shit.
Taylor Bradley:That house looks awesome. Like, I would love to have that house. And how did this person you know, they're 10 years younger. How did I get that house? Like, you you can go down
Brianna Rooney:that road. How much debt they're in, how much debt they're in. Their family gave it to there's just so much. Right? You know?
Brianna Rooney:Exactly. So I think another one that that kind of relates to this on how to be a badass woman is to not apologize for your success. Yes. I think that women do that a lot. Yes.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. Yes. Absolutely. I know I've struggled with that a little bit, you know, And you reach a level where it's like you're trying to, like, downplay what you've accomplished, downplay how much money you have and stuff. But gotta own that, you know.
Brianna Rooney:It's like you worked hard for it. Nobody gave it to you.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. I was just writing that down as you were saying. Like, don't make yourself small for other people.
Brianna Rooney:Oh, you just gave me the chills.
Taylor Bradley:I just think that like, as you're saying that, I'm like, you have to just it feels like you're just, like, trying to down like, you're making I I feel like it's mostly related to, like, either, you know, a dynamic with a man and a woman, like a spouse or significant other, whereas a woman, you feel like you have to make yourself smaller to make them feel better, or even in friendships. You know, those friendships that we were talking about where I don't think I have any of those. I doubt you have any of those, but where I used to. I used to. Yeah.
Taylor Bradley:You feel like you have to make yourself small to, like, make them feel better? No.
Brianna Rooney:No. No. I I I used to have plenty of those, but, yeah, those are gone. So thank God, which brings me to being authentic. Yeah.
Brianna Rooney:So, I think being authentic, you have to be authentic in order to be a badass woman. That goes back to the owning your uniqueness. Right? It's kinda like the same thing. And I think that that is it's respected and it's, like, attractive.
Brianna Rooney:You know? Like, I, you you're one of them. I I feel like I have 2 friends, that really own this really well, which is crazy because they I feel like all my friends should own this well, but just 2, you're one of them, that really owns who you are, doesn't apologize, take it, leave it, love you, I'll give it back, you know. And I could say anything to you, and you're not gonna judge me, and I know you're not gonna feel away, and you might make fun of me afterwards, and that's fine. No.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. Because, you you know, we're laughing about it anyways, but, like Yeah. I feel like I could have, this is weird. I have a little spy cam in your house as you're talking to your husband, and and I'd be like, yeah, that's cool. Like like, whatever you said, I I feel like I'd be fine with, You know?
Brianna Rooney:And I I feel like I only really truly have 2 friends like that that I feel that way.
Taylor Bradley:I I feel the same. So we're like this friend this episode's gonna end up turning about our friendship, but I feel the same way. Like, you you it's a friendship that we have that there is really no judgment, which, I mean, maybe what we should tell our listeners one day how how our dynamic started and where it, like, how it evolved into what it is because I think that it took a while for, you to just be like, she's not a fucking bitch. She's just actually like, this is she's just really honest, and it's like, sometimes to a fault. I own that.
Taylor Bradley:It's sometimes to a fault. But I feel like with you, I can get honesty as well. Like, you're gonna tell me the truth and shoot it to me straight and do it a way that, like, you're not gonna try to hurt my feelings, but you also know that I can take it if it's the truth. And I feel like we're the same like, I'm the same way with you. You know?
Taylor Bradley:I know I can tell you the truth. You can take it, and I think that that's that's, like, the core of that, like, having relationships with women that you can really trust in that way. And I think I've Yes. I've got 2 friends like that too, and and you're one of them where it's like, I can tell you anything, and I know you're not gonna judge me. I know we're gonna you're gonna help me get through it.
Taylor Bradley:I know that you're gonna let me bitch if I need to. I know if you know, back in the day, if I was dating an asshole say we were friends in high school and I'm dating an asshole or college or whatever, and you're like, yeah. He's an ass but you're the friend that's not gonna judge if you go back. Same thing. It's like I there's a no judgment friendship, and I think everybody like, I would hope everybody has at least one of those.
Taylor Bradley:Like
Brianna Rooney:I real I really think to be a badass woman, you have to have no judgment, you know, at the end of the day. Yeah. Yeah. A 100%, which which brings me to the next one, which is kindness. Yeah.
Brianna Rooney:Because a lot of people think, and going back to literally what you just said, if you shoot it the shoot it real, that there's no kindness there. No. What is what's, like, your intention? That has nothing to do with with anything at all. Like, no.
Brianna Rooney:You're just you're really kind. You know? And I think that is really important to be a badass woman. And I think that we, you know, we talk about throughout the podcast, like, being assertive, you know, also is a is a trait of a badass woman, but that very quickly turns into aggressive bitch.
Taylor Bradley:Yes.
Brianna Rooney:You know, so it's like that it's like that fine line. It's almost like, could we all just, like, kumbaya, hold hands, and be, like, this is these are our intentions, and they're good, and they're always good. You know? But that's that's not always the case. I mean, think about how many badass women you know.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. And, I mean, it goes
Brianna Rooney:in that category.
Taylor Bradley:It's so true, and it it really does go back to the trust of, like, I trust that you're telling me whatever you're telling me with the best of intentions. Like, you're not like, you are not saying this to hurt me. And I think that that goes back to what we've already talked about, like, having confidence in yourself and even confidence in your friendships. Like, I'm so confident in this friendship I have with this person that I know that they're not telling me something just to try to hurt me. It's they're actually telling me this because they care about me.
Taylor Bradley:You know? I think it's being able to see through the words, and, like you said, the intention is this person's telling me a hard truth like what you said about your brother, that example that you used. Like, they're telling me a hard truth because they give a shit about me. You don't want yes people or yes men or women around you that are actually enabling bad behavior or things that are bad for you. You want it's like an actual indication that somebody gives a shit about you if they will tell you those hard truths versus just
Brianna Rooney:thank you. Yes. Because they don't have to say anything. Yeah. It's like, yeah.
Brianna Rooney:Do whatever you want to. It's fine.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. You put I mean, you put yourself in a situation when you tell somebody the truth where you're like, shit. I don't know how they're gonna handle this, but, like, I feel like I'm not being authentic to myself or to them or to our our relationship if I don't tell them how I really think this situation or the truth about this situation or how I really think they should approach it. But I think when you know, that's where women tend to get the labels of, like, being super sensitive because I think that oftentimes we don't try to see the best in each other and the best in each other's intentions. It's just, you know, I even think back, you know, in our the start of our relationship, but just the dynamic of the organization.
Taylor Bradley:There was for whatever reason, and it wasn't specific to me and you. I just say I just think back in this beginning of our relationship, the dynamic of the organization we were in. There's so many women that it was just, like, so much competition, and I'm not even sure why. You know what I mean? Like, nobody's in the same job.
Taylor Bradley:Nobody's, like, it's I I don't understand it a lot. Like, it doesn't come natural to me to just be unless I'm in a competition or playing a sport to be competitive with other people just for the fuck of it. I don't know. I don't really know what I don't really understand that mentality, and I'm not saying, like, oh, I'm so great because I don't have that in me. Of course, I could be competitive.
Taylor Bradley:I just don't understand to, like, meet a woman, and we're competing instantly. Like, everybody's competition. Yeah. I don't have that mentality.
Brianna Rooney:Which goes nicely into the next one, which is set boundaries.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. Okay. In
Brianna Rooney:order to be a badass woman, you have to set set boundaries, speak up, and be like, nope. That doesn't work for me. That's not okay. I don't like how you did that. You know?
Brianna Rooney:It's because if you just keep on taking it and taking and taking it, it's like, how are you gonna rise up? And how are people gonna know how to treat you? Because Yeah. That's something I learned later on is you teach people how to treat you.
Taylor Bradley:It's so true. It's it's so true. And I think learning your boundaries for people is really, like, one of the most powerful things that you could do. Man, woman, that doesn't that's not even specific to women, but, like Yeah. Learning your boundaries and sticking to them.
Taylor Bradley:And then just if something no longer serves you or isn't aligning with your boundaries, it just, like, get rid of it. You know? Just get rid of it. And I think women, sometimes we also so this is a trait of a non badass woman, but should be like a badass woman, which is cut things off that aren't serving them anymore. You know?
Taylor Bradley:It's being able to walk away from things that just it's not serving you. It doesn't make sense. It's not good for your mental health, physical health, whatever it is. It's just, like, be able to walk away, and that that can be really hard. That could be personal.
Taylor Bradley:That could be professional. That could be really hard to do, but I think prioritizing yourself would be another trait of a badass woman.
Brianna Rooney:Yep. Choosing you. I choose me. You know? I think that goes with self love, self care, however you wanna look at that, but it's like, yeah, choosing you, choosing to put yourself first, and knowing it's because that will that will serve your life and its entirety.
Brianna Rooney:But it is hard to do. It it is hard, especially when, like, you're looking at, like, this is extreme, but it's like, alright. You have a massage appointment and all of a sudden your kid's sick.
Taylor Bradley:You're like, damn it.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. You know, it's like, but I'm supposed to choose me. Or like, well, maybe not in this particular situation. Yeah. But, no.
Brianna Rooney:I'm I think we I think we struggle with choosing ourselves because it goes back to the whole guilt situation. Yeah.
Taylor Bradley:Mhmm.
Brianna Rooney:Which is hard. And then I'm I'm gonna leave us with 1, one more. I know that there's more on what to be a badass woman. This one might feel a little confrontational, so I'm gonna let's see how it goes. But I think in order to be a badass woman, you are independent and financially independent, is what I mean by that.
Brianna Rooney:That you were you you work for you work for yourself, work for what you need. And the reason why I feel like it's probably a little confrontational is because, you know, there's there's tons of stay at home moms, but there's also stay at home dads, you know. So it's like Mhmm. I don't want that to be like, well, I take care of the kids. So that's that's that's different.
Brianna Rooney:Right? Yeah. But I think going like, look, I have to pick my future. I have to work hard for it, and I choose to be independent in this. How do you feel?
Taylor Bradley:I feel like in certain situations, like, I completely agree with that of, like, what I specifically go to, like, if you're in a horrible, toxic situation, abusive, whatever it is, and you have to stay because you're financially dependent upon somebody, like, that obviously wouldn't make you feel like a badass woman. And I'm not knocking anybody that's in that situation, by the way, but I'm just saying, like, that's where I agree with you that I think being financially independent to not be stuck in some situation, I do think I don't know. That's a weird one. That's a tricky one for me because I think that there's a lot of relationships and dynamics where both the husband and wife are are financially dependent on upon each other. You know?
Taylor Bradley:It's like Yeah. We may have a certain life that we couldn't have if it was just my salary or if it was just your salary. So I think there is, like, a a little bit of codependence there, but I think, as a rule of thumb, you should always be able to walk away from any situation without being stuck in it if it's not if it's not serving you and, hopefully, have the means to be able to do that. And if you don't, like, at least the the figure it out mentality. You know what I mean?
Taylor Bradley:Like, even if you may not be able I think that makes somebody a badass one. Like, I may not have the means to do this, but I will figure it out. I'll work 3 jobs. I'll do what I have to do. Mhmm.
Taylor Bradley:But I do I I do understand that, like, not everybody's in that situation because there are circumstances that have put them in a situation where they're financially dependent upon somebody. Mhmm. That is a controversial one.
Brianna Rooney:Yeah. Yeah. And, I actually had to have a talk with my mom about this because I told her that I was money motivated because of her because I saw she wasn't able to leave a situation because of money. And she definitely took that away. And I was like, no.
Brianna Rooney:No. No. No. No. I I I I want you to feel empowered by this.
Brianna Rooney:And, like, you did show me in a in a different type of way. I just for me, I don't wanna make hard decisions or I don't wanna stay in a situation like you were talking about because I don't have money to take care of myself, which is I like how you put it. It's a figure it out. Like, it might not be today, but I'm gonna figure it out, squirrel it away, and do whatever I need to do in order to to survive. But I yeah.
Brianna Rooney:I think that that's that's put in a better way.
Taylor Bradley:Yeah. I think we're at time here, which, like, everything we've said in this entire episode is the broke to boss tip. It's, you know, don't make yourself small for others, fit have it the figure it out mentality, have confidence, Don't compete with other women. All of these things are great road to boss tips for me, like, all in one episode. And I think it's just like pick 1.
Taylor Bradley:Pick pick the one that resonates with you the most. And I would say to be for me, out of all of this, the one that resonates with me is don't view other women as competition automatically. Like, I go into situations with new women that I meet of, like, could this be my next Brianna, you know, my next best friend? Like, could this person versus viewing them as competition? Like, this could be this could be one of my people that's in my foxhole.
Brianna Rooney:I I love your foxhole. I do. I had to dig for that. Yeah. I love it.
Brianna Rooney:So celebrate women, unite, come together. We are always stronger, as as a unit. So thank you so much.
Taylor Bradley:Thanks, y'all.
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