How Can You Be Happier At Work?
Welcome to Talent Takeover
When it comes to working hard and
keeping it real, we know our shit.
Self care, happiness, inner peace and time.
I'm Brianna Rooney, and this is Taylor Bradley.
Hey, y'all.
And we have thrived in chaos and
turned it into an art form.
So, Taylor, what are we doing here today?
We're here to give you a raw, under
the hood view of all things recruiting.
And finally, give credit where credit is
due to a long underrated industry that's
full of quote unquote experts.
All right, well, then, let's take
this show to the road.
Talent takeover.
We rolled right into a joke into recording this.
So I'm still laughing about the
joke, which is really funny.
So again, you guys, you all can all
watch this on the Millionaire Recruiter YouTube.
But the funny thing is we use Riverside and
it will literally be like five, four, three.
And we decide every single fucking time when the
five starts that we're going to say a joke.
How many episodes have we done at this point?
I don't know, but it's not a strategy we came up with.
And we're like, let's just fuck with the
other one and start at the countdown.
Let's just say something so that the other
one is, like, cracking up at the point
that it's like and we're live.
Okay, well, then the best part is this episode is
going to be how can you be happier at work? Yes.
So these are just some tips we got for you guys.
But yes, take which ones you like.
Feel free to send it back if you don't like it.
We're just throwing it out there.
But these are some of the ones that we like.
And then create your own version of it, too.
And you'll see what we mean by that
as we kind of go through them.
But do you want to kick us
off with one of your favorites?
Oh, my favorite.
Now you're putting me on the spot. OOH, I like it.
You know what?
Okay, first of all, I would say
I like 90% of them for sure.
But I'm going to do the play like a kid because
I just turned 39 and someone goes, oh, happy 27th birthday.
Like, he was trying to be cute and
sweet and all those things and love it. Dig it.
But I'm like, I'm cool with my age
because I feel like I'm getting older.
I'm just not growing up.
Yeah, so I'm cool with that.
So playing like a kid,
that completely resonates with me.
And actually, I have these manifesting cards.
And actually, what does mine say?
It says, the universe works fast when I'm having fun.
And I'm like I just resonate with that.
I'm like, yeah, you know what?
I love my job.
And when I love my job the most
is when I make the most money, right?
So it's like, all right, just going to
put my head down and rock this shit.
So play like a kid. Dig it.
Okay, so let's talk about what that mean. Like this.
Like, I've got my little fidget spinner.
You mean just like during the workday to enjoy
your job, have something that you do that's like,
let me just take a mental break from work
and just sit here for a second, drink some
water, play with the fidget spinner, right? Yeah.
How does that mean? How does that apply?
Yeah, I mean, I'm cool with that.
Put your music up, blasting, just
kind of beep, beep, beep.
But I doodle a lot.
I love doodling.
Now you're giving away all the tips.
These are all separate tips.
You shouldn't ask me questions. All right.
Never do that again.
I fucked that up.
Okay, well, I know you like this one.
You like, buy yourself some flowers.
I do love that. I love that.
I'm actually going to put this in here because
I didn't buy these, but one of our past
employees now, trust me, I have a brown thumb,
so I'm really nervous about keeping orchids alive.
But they're super pretty.
I love flowers. I don't know.
How do you not smile when you see flowers? True.
I just dig it.
And so it's like, do I love people sending me them?
Sure. Love them.
But I just love getting them for myself because
it reminds myself that I'm an independent woman and
I can be happy on my own.
I can be happy with someone else.
It's fine. Cyrus on.
I was just about to say that
I know what you're talking about.
I love that song. I dig it.
I like rock out to that song because it's like
everyone thinks that you need XYZ to be happy.
And it's like you just need yourself.
You love yourself, right? Yeah.
So on that same token, I like the
one that says, give yourself some rewards.
So it's like, whatever that looks like for you.
Just like if you have a really hard workout and you
crush that workout, and then you're going to be like, okay,
well, now I can eat that cupcake or I can eat
that cake or whatever because I just fucking crushed them.
Sour belts, sour strips.
But it's like, I just crushed that workout.
So now I'm going to buy XYZ or I'm going to do this.
So whatever the reward is for you, I think
that is a really good one to reward yourself.
And I think that goes back to what we've
talked about in other episodes of just counting your
wins, no matter how small they are.
And the biz dev wins is what I always tell myself.
It's like I got to count them as wins.
Even if it doesn't feel like a
win because it didn't convert to something.
But if it's something that's really hard and really mentally
taxing, those are the tasks that I find that I
have to give myself a reward, whatever that is.
So I would equate closing a deal then.
So I'd be like, okay, if I close one
deal, I'm going to get this, I'm going to
go out and I'm going to get drunk. Let's be honest.
Okay, I'm drunk now and then if I close three deals
in a month, I would go get a really lavish massage.
So maybe the two deals was just like a regular
massage and the three deals is like I'm going to
a spa for like 4 hours on a Friday.
I just envisioned you like what I thought you were going
to say is three deals, I'm blacked out in like one
deal, I'm getting drunk at the bar that night.
Three deals I'm blacked out in know,
like waking up on the floor. That's what I thought.
You okay?
I've had a long agency journey.
So yes, those things have happened.
But that's not what we're talking about today.
That's not how she does it at 39 y'all. Thank you.
She's a grown woman now, actually. Oh my God.
I don't know, it actually might be funny.
So I need you, the people that are subscribing, please,
if you like this, send it to someone else.
Let's get more subscribers here.
But I want you to comment.
Do you want an episode to me to tell
you all the fun shit my agency has done?
Or maybe it's a book, maybe I saved that shit.
But I don't know.
Agency life is so different and it's
so wild and I'm coaching an agency
actually right now, which is really fun.
But I sat down with them the other
day and they were just like the moods,
the celebratory things that they were doing.
I'm like, man, kind of miss that shit even at age 39.
So for our listeners what she means
when she says these stories because I'm
sure they're like, what kind of stories?
Like what is this?
Like you got a performance for bonus or something?
No, she's told me some of the
stories and think Wolf of Wall Street.
That's where your mind should go when you want to hear.
And some of them are crazy in a crazy way.
And some of them are crazy in a good way.
You've told me stories about shopping sprees
and stuff that I'm like, I can't
believe that ever happened, but it happened.
Okay, move on to the list. All right. Sorry. Yeah. Okay.
So going back to what you had said about putting on
some good music, I think this is a really good one.
Get a playlist to boost your mood.
So whatever that is whether you want
to listen to some trap music.
That's your preference.
You'll probably want to subscribe to my
playlist, if that is your preference.
Or some country or some eighty S,
I got all of that shit.
But I think whatever it is that pumps you up or puts
you in a really good mood when I need a mood boost,
I tend to like to gravitate to whatever I work out to.
Those are what it's the same playlist for me.
Like, if I need to pump myself adrenaline. Yeah.
And then have a dance party, that's another one.
If that's what you want to do.
I mean, I know not everybody likes to dance.
You kind of put that disclaimer out there that not everybody
may want to dance, but get up and move your body
somehow, some way with a little bit of music on.
Especially if you sit in a chair all day long for yeah.
Oh, yeah.
You don't want that secretary spread,
as my dad would say.
I tried to tell somebody about it.
I was like, have you heard
Bria talk about the secretary squat?
And they were like, what?
No, it's the spread.
I know, I'm like, now hearing you say it.
I was like, Wait, is that what it's called?
But I remember, never have never heard that
before until you said, oh, do you want
to tell everybody what it is?
Well, I mean, you're sitting down all day, so
your butt cheeks are spreading naturally, so you got
to get moving, you got to do some lunges.
Yeah, but we were talking with Jess, who
produces the show, who does an amazing job.
So shout out to Jess.
She was saying that they used to do like, push
ups and stuff like that just to get moving.
And so we've definitely done those challenges.
We've done egg tosses.
When we had our ping pong table in here,
we would literally at ten and 02:00, we had
it on everyone's calendar like it was a team
meeting and we would play ping pong.
And it's just like that refresher.
It's like we wiggled our bodies, we took a moment, we
had a good time, and it's a cool, like, kumbai atu.
So if you can do something that as a team, like
building I mean, we even did it here at Talent Perch,
which is kind of weird because we're all virtual, right?
So as a remote, we're all down on the floor
trying to do our push ups or sit ups or
whatever the heck we're doing, but it's still really fun.
You know what you just made me think about?
Because at one of the companies I worked at, we
did a golf thing that I was like, wolf.
But you made me think about
that conference that we went to.
And remember when you had to putt to hits and you
landed the ball on the dollar bill or the 20 or
the ten and I got it on the ten.
But you get to take that.
That's a really good one for companies that are in
office and they want a little something to boost morale.
Throw a five on the floor, and then whoever
hits the ball and lands directly on the bill,
they get to take the bill home.
I remember being so into that, and that was fun.
And then we came home and tried it with the kids.
Like a little fun activity we did with the kids.
And I'm not even remember you
were like, I never won anything.
I don't win shit. I don't.
But especially at golf.
I'm not even a golfer.
But it was fun.
So any little thing that you could do, like, that meditate,
that's another one that we talked about before that, you know,
when you choose to do that in your day.
I know people have really kind of like, structures of
when they like to do that, but I think that's
really good to incorporate in your day somehow, I think.
Do you know, I talked to Cheryl about that.
I'm like, I don't even know how to meditate.
And she's like, well, you've
got to basically stop thinking.
And I'm like, what?
Because I'm thinking about six things at all times.
I don't know how you do it.
I would need extensive training.
It's very cool.
So I've talked about this in a few different
webinars, but for those of you who haven't heard
this before, I'm obviously very high energy.
So sitting down to meditate seems
like cruel, unusual punishment to me.
And I'm like, I can't do that shit, right?
So, no, I can't sit down.
I feel like I have to do something now.
I can turn off my brain.
That's not a problem for me.
But I would want to fidget or do something.
So I now meditate when I work out, and
that is so powerful for me that I'm literally
just thinking about what I want envisioning something.
I can see clouds moving.
I can see money pouring on my head, stuff like that.
That, to me, is in between manifesting and meditating.
And I do it when I work out, and it's fucking awesome.
I love it.
I am so in the zone, and
I think my workouts are actually better.
Yeah, I can see all that.
I think it's hard to do. That's the thing.
It's not that a lack of I don't want to
do that, but I even catch myself all the time.
Like when I'm sitting in church, I'm
thinking about ten other things, and I'm
like, I really you're not present.
No, I'm always thinking about other things.
So that's where I'm like it would truly be.
I think it's something that for some, it may come
easy to meditate, and I think for others, it would
be truly something that I would have to be taught.
Like, somebody has to teach me how to stop
thinking about everything because I'm always thinking about things.
So the way Cheryl and so you guys
know, Cheryl's our exec coach, but Cheryl said,
like, start 1 minute, do 60 seconds.
Anyone can do 60 seconds of not thinking.
But then what do you think about?
You think about not thinking?
Well, no, it's not like that you have no thoughts.
It's just that you could just
think about winning the lottery.
You could think about but it's supposed to be like no
work, no duties, nothing of that you have to do.
I think we get kind of stuck in that. Nothing bad.
There's no wicked chatter.
It's just like you're kind of in the clouds and
you're kind of thinking about, what do I want?
Or you're seeing yourself kind of
sore, seeing yourself accepting award.
It's just like all these good stuff going on and
you're just visualizing it and you're just in that spot.
I thought that was manifesting.
I thought meditating was like no, it doesn't present
with your body and not thinking about things.
Yeah, but you can interchange those
two and it's super powerful.
And I don't think meditating means
you're not thinking at all.
It's just you're not caught up in the
weird shit of what you have to do.
You're just letting your mind roam.
So the way Cheryl said to me is
visualize yourself sitting on a bench and then
just see what kind of floats your way.
And then if anything floats your way of that's again
to what you have to do, you just smack it
in the air, be like, no, thank you.
I'm not there for that right now.
Okay, I'm going to go on a little tangent here.
Have you ever been hypnotized? No.
Do you want to be? I wouldn't mind.
Yeah, I'd be interested in it. Okay.
No, but I would like to go and watch you be
hypnotized and then decide if I want to do it.
I'm there for that.
I like being guinea pig.
No, I think it'd be really interesting.
But I've seen on TV, and I'm like, is that real?
I want to know if it's real.
And I know you would tell me if it was real.
Yeah, I would tell you.
But you would definitely want to play like a duck.
No, I just want to see if it's real and then
I'd be super into it because I think what I've seen
on TV, what they get out of it seems really cool.
But then I'm like I don't
know if you're bullshitting or not.
No, I think it's real because they actually use it
as people that had a lot of trauma or if
they're trying to solve a crime and stuff like that.
They hypnotize you into some thoughts back then.
So I think I totally think it's accurate
because you got to think like the mind
is so powerful and you store all sorts
of memories in different places, whether or not.
They're good, they're bad, or
whatever, where they're exhausting.
And so, yeah, I super believe in that.
Very interesting. We got to do that.
Yeah, we got to do that.
Well, you got to do that, and I got to go.
You got it.
Because, again, I want to know if it's real, because I
don't want dark, crazy shit to come out of my mouth
that's like some order trauma to be I don't know.
I want to see somebody I trust do it first.
I have a medium that actually I meet with
probably every six months, and it's fucking crazy.
Some of the stuff, like, crazy, and
it's been accurate, and it's wild.
It trips me out.
I've cried tons of times.
I've got the chills. I get motivated.
It's so crazy.
We got to talk more about
that, because that's really interesting. Yeah. Okay.
I like this one, and I actually
do this one walk around the block.
Like, take a walk.
I think that is so important.
You know what I love is as we were, like,
in the zooms and Google meets and all of that
shit, if you have someone that you could just have
a phone conversation with, do that and go take a
walk, that is always the most productive conversations.
I've actually closed lots of deals
walking around with my phone. I love it. I dig it.
I feel re energized.
It's like killing two birds with 1 st. Yeah.
That's how I like to start my mornings.
I walk every single day, at least 3 miles.
And I'm either, like, listening yeah, but I'm always except
for today, when we record early and stuff, and I
got to get ready, but I typically will go walk
every single morning after I get the kids off, and
that's when I do, like, my kiki time.
I talk to friends that are driving to work
or before they start their day or whatever, because
it's super early in the morning, or I'll catch
up with my dad or whatever.
But that's, like, my favorite time, because I don't ever just
sit on the phone and talk to anybody for hours.
Yeah, that's awesome.
And I thought this was a really good one, too.
Help a coworker out.
So research shows that helping others actually makes you
feel happier, and I'm like, that's so true.
When I read that, I was like, every other
time that I've helped somebody do something and it's
been successful for them or really ended it with
a great result, you feel just this piece.
Same thing you do.
Like, when you close a deal, I feel like
it's a very good feeling to help somebody, and
it'd be successful, whatever the outcome is 150%.
First of all, that's why we do this podcast.
So, again, if you like this, share this with someone.
This is us paying it forward
on the YouTube Millionaire Recruiter channel.
It's paying it forward.
That's why it started.
It became into a really cool brand.
And now, again, we're in our podcast is
in how many countries at this point?
But that feels amazing.
I remember the time where
I started having employees again.
We all started when we were really young, right?
So I also grabbed also young employees,
and when they started buying houses, it
felt like I was buying a house.
I was like, oh my God. Yay.
We celebrated as a group and a unit, and they
would come in and thank me for the opportunity, because
they wouldn't have had it otherwise, is how they felt.
And I was like, oh my God.
It gives me the chills.
It makes me so happy.
And you know what?
So I was at Disneyland the other weekend.
I'm sitting down celebrating the birthday, and all
of a sudden, one of my most favorite
employees ever from Techies was there.
And she came up, just gave me the biggest hug, and
she's like, oh, my God, I miss you so much.
She's over at a firm.
So yeah, I mean, that shit's so cool.
That's the moment.
And you don't have to here's the thing.
You don't have to be a manager.
You don't have to be a CEO.
You don't have to be on the
top to help a fellow colleague.
It could be small, it could be large.
It could be whatever you want.
But anything helps.
Even if it's just like, you notice someone having a day,
and you're like, hey, you want to take ten minutes?
You want to talk?
What's going on?
That stuff is great.
And a caveat to that, actually, to expand,
it doesn't even have to be a coworker. True.
It could be anybody that, you know, is like, maybe
it could be a previous coworker turned friend, and then
it's somebody, like you said, take ten minutes to call
them or help them out with something.
I know that I've had people reach out to
me since we've seen all these layoffs and experience,
like, a lot of people laid off, hey, can
you just take a look at my resume?
Can you just do XYZ?
And it feels really good to just like you said,
why we do this podcast to just give back.
And that's why when you reach out to us,
you'll always get a response from, we're super.
So responsive. Yeah, we love it.
And we'd love, like, if anybody takes anything out of
this in a positive way or gets any kind of
value out of it, we're really excited about that.
So we definitely love to hear from anybody.
And if you need any help with
anything, feel free to reach out.
We're always here for you guys.
Yeah, it makes us happy. It does.
And this one, let's talk about
your actual real favorite one, though.
What is it?
Well, I can't even believe I have to tell you.
The growth.
I don't want to go on it again.
Growth. Growth.
So tell them this is actually her favorite
one, like her favorite tip probably ever. Yeah.
So Growth and Success Journal, this is something that I
incorporated in my life about two years ago or so.
And I realized that as my career was changing,
my business model was changing, stuff like that.
I was doing things and I just
wasn't feeling successful because my definition of
success changed and how I'm judging my
success changed because it's a different model.
And so I was feeling like really yucky.
And so what I did was I came up
with one, my values, which is really important.
So if you guys have not come up with your
values, you should know what you value in life.
Think about as you join a company,
what are their mission and values?
You should have your own.
It's crazy that it took me so
long in my life to do that.
But anyways, so what I decided was I wasn't
just going to make goals, like general goals.
I wanted to really lay out my
goals versus family, health, career, significant other.
I feel like I have one more.
Well, kids and family, actually I have in two
different categories because I really think that although obviously
your kids are your family, I really think that
those are two completely different beasts and I have
different goals in all of them.
So I wrote down my goals in every sector and
so now my Growth and Success Journal equates to that.
So any small little win and
again, love the big wins, right?
But any small little win in any of those categories,
I write in my Growth and Success Journal, I put
the date, I put what happened, and I put how
I felt because I think it's so important.
And so anytime I'm down or even anytime I just
want to pat myself on the back or just live
in a fun moment, I'll go back and I'll look
at it and oh my God, it feels so good.
So do you do it in real time when the thing happens?
Or do you do it like in the
morning or the end of the day?
Okay, I have been playing around with this.
Sometimes I'll do it in the moment like
it was that big of a win.
I'll totally do in the moment and I
just start typing and it's so fun.
It is digital, so I type it out.
But I also have a separate one,
which is funny that I write out.
I'm kind of disorganized there.
But what I will do is I do have
it scheduled, I have it five minutes scheduled every
other day in order for me to do this.
Because sometimes maybe because it wasn't a big
enough win, it didn't feel like a win.
But I think when you reflect back a day, two
days at the very most, then it's like there has
to have been something, right, that have come up that
I did well right, in any of those categories.
And if it didn't, what the fuck am I doing?
I'm not being very intentional, then. Yeah, right.
So that's like just a self reflection. Yeah.
So no, I definitely schedule it out.
And at first I was having trouble, it would go weeks, and
I would be like, oh my God, what did I do?
I knew I had these wins.
I'd look at my calendar, it was very inefficient,
and it didn't feel as good to me.
So then I was like, Brianna, can you not spend
five to 15 minutes tops on yourself a day?
That's fucking bullshit.
Because you will at any given moment.
If someone called me, if you called me, if
my family, whoever the fuck called me, I would
have no problem talking to them for 15 minutes.
But yet I couldn't do it for myself. That's insane.
So yeah, so I started scheduling.
Now it's just become like a habit, and I just dig
it, and I don't really need it on my calendar anymore.
So it's good. Well, love that.
And for our listeners, we do have a Growth
and Success journal that actually is designed by us.
And it's very similar structure to
what Brianna just outlined of hers.
So you guys have to check that out.
We'll link that in this episode. Yeah.
I have been asked a lot about it, and
actually, people have wanted to see my journal, and
so I've shared some snippets of it in there
as well because I think it's really relatable.
Yeah, it's fun.
Well, and I love that you have the personal and
the professional incorporated in there because often we try to
say, like, oh, it's not personal, it's business.
But we've talked about they're
all so interwoven and overlapping.
If you have a bad day at work, it's inevitable.
Sometimes you're going to carry
that into your home life.
It just is what it is,
which you shouldn't, but it's hard.
How do you separate it?
It's life. Yeah. I feel like it's inevitable.
It's going to happen every now and then.
Even if you're one of those people that tries to
be really intentional about it not, it can happen, whatever.
So I think the fact that you incorporate
both in the journal is really powerful.
And this next tip kind of goes
with your Growth and Success journal.
So try tracking your efforts
instead of your accomplishments.
And I think that goes in line with exactly what you
said of like, you may have some small, little wins.
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