Coach Your Candidates to an Offer

welcome to Talent takeover unfiltered when it comes to working hard and keeping it real we know our [ __ ] self-care happiness inner peace and time I'm Brianna Rooney and this is Taylor Bradley hey y'all and we have thrived in chaos and turn it into an art form so Taylor what are we doing here today we're here to give you a raw under the hood view of all things recruiting and finally give credit where credit is due to a long underrated industry that's full of quote unquote experts all right well then let's take this show to the road hey hey hey Talent takeover unfiltered lovers starting with h oh Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy we are so close to our H 100th episode and we were just like chatting up and we're freaking out about it because we got some cool [ __ ] coming up so Taylor what's going on oh just you know living through this tornado which we were actually I was gonna say laughing about not laughing about but I'm recording there's a we're under a tornado warning well people are like what what's funny about a tornado well it's not the tornado but it's just that I'm caring about my day because if you live in Texas this is very normal for us to have tornadoes every now and then um I feel like it's like once a month at least but yeah when the sirens go off that's when I know I need to like go downstairs and get in the bathtub did we in the bathtub okay that's its own separate thing so for your you listeners if you are watching on the YouTube millionaire recruiter Channel um and all a and Taylor's not there this is what happed she's been blown

away so so what are we talking about oh yeah uh we're g to talk about coaching your candidates to an offer which I actually find I whenever I hear the offer word I like always get the money chills I get super excited about it so yeah well when whenever you first talked to me about this episode and wanting to do this I was like coaching your candidates to an offer it's like I don't know I just think about the offers that I've received and most of them I'm like I'm excited about it so I don't really need to be talked too much into it but there's definitely been situations there's been two times in my life where I had competing offers and that's where it's like I think that's where this topic comes into play right is talking to candidates into the offer like your offer versus the competing offer or the counter offer from the current company to stay which Happ actually does happen a lot I was actually thinking warb as like getting them like trained to get the offer you know there's so much interview prep that comes into actually like Landing that that offer so I want to do like all sides I think that that's like the fun part I'm actually doing or I just did um a webinar on like how a recruiter can be your Ally and so I think this kind of like goes hand inand so anyone that that is in their job search please use their recruiter because they can coach you on how to really land that offer because I mean we're talking to hiring managers all the time and they're the ones that that are telling us very candidly why people are not getting the offer that's what I don't think people understand people don't understand we have access to that information yeah I think it's because they don't always get that information you know I like it okay like there's a lot of asking the right questions yeah well and there's a lot of um you know if you think about from a candidate perspective there's a lot of situations where a candidate isn't even given that information they're just like and it I've seen it happen it's okay this is a horrible nonb practice like this is not something that that company should be doing but it shouldn't be that you get to a point where you've gone through panel interviews like you've actually sat down in person or virtually like this and you've had an interview whether it was one or five and then you just get an email rejection saying like we went in another direction or we went with another candidate and it's no context as to why and I've seen it happen um it's happened to me before and it's just like wait you get all the way through a process you think to the ending stages of a process and then they just give send you like that generic email with not any specifics as to why you didn't get um get the offer offer or move forward in the process and I think that obviously does the candidate disservice but I think that goes back to like what we've talked about in Prior episodes people wanting to avoid confrontation and not everybody can handle feedback you know so I think a recruiters tend to human beings in general tend to want to avoid confrontation and so I think if they feel like it's going to be confrontational where the hiring manager says I this person didn't have XYZ and the C like wait yes I do I had you know they just don't they don't want to get in themselves into that situation now again I think it's a cop out I think you need to have a conversation with that candidate you owe it to that candidate but it does actually happen all the time I I actually think what would be interesting is to see a chart and I almost want to make one but you know I mean with admin work but is to see a chart and say hey a candidate spent x amount of time with you that's how much amount of feedback they get or you like tell that's how much time you put into it so like for example canet just sends in their resume you didn't even talk to them great they get a like very generic email right um the second one is the candidate had a phone screen with the recruiter maybe and then the hiring manager is like no what are you thinking or the recruiter is like no this didn't work out okay great that's like a little more feedback or a little more of a attention to them letting them down I guess that's what it would be but yeah if you've gone through all of the whole Gap you've gone to the last round and you're not getting feedback like God and that's a generic email that's rough yeah well and I actually like based on more recent experiences I actually want to do put I do want to put this disclaimer out there because I used to be one of those people that was like oh we have access to the information just like you were saying like as a recruiter we know that information we know why candidates not being considered or why they're not moving forward but I don't think you always know like I'm like I've lived in a world recently where I'm like that's exactly why recruiters have this stereotype or that stereotype because it's not at any fault of their own right like they're just put in a position sometimes where they don't have the information and it's not I would say not even recently it's happened to me historically too where there have been times that a hiring manager has opted to not move forward with somebody and I don't get context as to why think about that like you're trying to track hiring managers down sometimes to get feedback on your candidat like not all hiring managers are created equal they're not all super responsive and so so I think you do get those sometimes where they're like not interested but that's all you're going to get from them and you don't get context why so you're not giving it to the candidate because you don't have it not because you don't want to yeah that's rough so how do we coach them to get that offer so like can you think of an example where like just can experience really strong like it seemed like um the person really wanted to get this job I mean I feel like everyone wants to get the job but not a lot of candidates seek out to get the job a lot of them like a good example this candid the other day I have three questions that the hiring manager wants answers to right before I even set up that call so I said hey I need these three these three answers the his response to me was that's on my resume oh and then he goes you do yeah he goes can you please move this along like I I want to accept as soon as possible and I'm like so my response was you don't get to the front of the line without answering these three questions like I don't know what to tell you and by the way one of the questions was was why are you interested so that's not on your resume you know it's so like his response was like as such a [ __ ] you that I'm like I don't even think I want to send you over you know like do you understand like like I'm a gatekeeper I'm the bouncer to this club like you're not getting that yeah and you don't also don't want the credit for a bad hire so it's like if you see any kind of red flags in the process at all with the candidate it is literally the Rec's job to be like hey no no no even if the hiring manager loves the candidate even if it's going to take you longer to fill that job now because of it it's that is literally part of your job to be like okay wait the red flags are starting to pop up this is not you know you're supposed to point that out but one of the biggest things that I I would say that I've seen so much recently and I'm actually shocked by this every time and I don't know why I'm so shocked by it but you know it's pretty standard to like do your research right on a company coaching it talk back to your question of coaching a candidate to an offer pretty standard to do your research on a company I am so just like shocked lately with people that don't do that they don't do research on the company on the founder the CEO on the principal on the product if it's a you know company like that's another one like okay have you tried the product have you used the product if you're going to be in a sales Ro selling a certain product and you've not even tried that product huge huge mistake you know like that's something that you're going to need to do I don't care what product it is but you're going to get asked about your thoughts on that product so you need to have tried it um especially if you're going to be selling it so there's just stuff like that that I'm just like I so surprised that people just or they do the most basic level of research of like go look at the company look at their mission statement that's it but really really digging in there and like understanding you know what is the principal's story or what is the CEO's story or if it's a startup you know what made them start like found the company you know just really understanding and you would be a great example of this like there's so much information out there about you you know like out that exists in the world you're constantly talking about yourself um thank you just [ __ ] with you check me out EXA but there's but so like if somebody came to you for anything and was like you know really trying to court you whether that was for speaking it whatever it was and they knew nothing about you would you not be like didn't do any kind of homework at all there's so much information about me out there or would if and if somebody did on the flip side of that wouldn't you be really really impressed if they knew that like you started your business you know with techies and when you sold it to a firm and like if they knew all these very specific details about you that you have spoken publicly about wouldn't that be more impressive to you absolutely and you know what really funny and I know we're going to off subject a little bit but the other day I this um company wants to put my course on their site like okay cool like more visibility sounds great to me right yeah are you thinking about starting your own recruiting agency still trying to figure out where to begin You Are Not Alone many aspiring agency owners are are intimidated by the unknowns the complexities of the recruitment industry to the point that they don't even start they let their dream fizzle Out w w w while watching others succeed so the freedom to be their own boss and not have their potential earning CA slipped right through their fingers but what if I told you there's a way to turn that overwhelming challenge into your biggest opportunity that's exactly why I created the start your own recruiting agency crash course this shouldn't be a secret that I keep as a serial entrepreneur in the tech recruiting space I have over 15 years of experience in building scaling and successfully exiting recruiting companies this comprehensive boot camp is designed to guide you through every step of launching and growing a successful recruiting agency I wish I had this course when I first started that was hard um it could have saved me so many headaches so many costly mistakes and this course covers everything from creating your business blueprint to mastering sourcing techniques and delivering best-in-class Canada experience imagine having over seven hours of video instruction 30 plus downloadable resources all of these are designed to propel you towards achieving that six to seven figure Miler this is what I'm offering to you let's tackle these challenges headon enroll in starting your own recruiting agency today and take that first step towards building the career and life you've always wanted on the phone with them and they're like okay can you tell me like a little bit more about like how many people have taken this course you're following I'm like well my biggest followings on YouTube and they're like you have a YouTube I'm like are you [ __ ] kidding me like how did you find me in the first place then like now I'm confused oh my God like and it wasn't um I didn't even think I was insulted actually it was more like you're laugh biger an idot huh yeah yeah okay and that was one that's like an example to me of maybe somebody that got tasked with reaching out to you because somebody else like had done their research and was like we need Brianna and someone got tasked with reaching out to you but it's like okay but you're still just like from a recruiter perspective you're still representing that company you're still representing that person you have to do your homework you have to know the information you have to the same thing with like um I think it's really rude on the other flip side of this I think it's really rude whenever hiring managers um and and recruiters at that like don't know anything about the candidate and they're asking them things that are right there on the resume like where do you live where did you go to school like if the thing it's like did you look at at all you know their resume at all so yeah I think doing your homework is really important it's very very basic and it's something that's been around and existed as as feedback and a tip for literally decades but I'm just amazed at with the internet chat GPT the the information that's at our fingertips how much people actually don't do their homework and don't research and then still feel like entitled to the job yeah yeah uh 100% so um a good example here as as coaching candidates is I'm trying to get as much bad feedback as possible you know like throughout like so like let's just say I'm coming into the search and normally because I'm contingency I come into the search at like when they're desperate right it's like they've already tried all this [ __ ] I'm coming in hopefully saving the day uh and so they're generally going to have tons of bad feedback so I'm going to say like all right why did why has no one gotten an offer or why has the offers been declined why so I'm trying to find all of the bad stuff which so I can relay to the candidates in hopes that they're going to be the one to pass because you got to think like you know if you're super prepared on all the the [ __ ] that people did wrong like you should be able to really like step up to play you know it's like okay I'm not going to make that same mistake good example of this is um for whatever they're looking for staff level Engineers so like tippity individual contributors and they're like look we just need people to be able to see a problem go solve it and not come like talk to me like there's no handholding at stuff yeah and so what we do is we do this Challenge and everyone fails they either under solve it so they didn't put any thought into it or they overs solve it like it's this big Todo and now we're going to spend weeks solving something that should have only taken a day so you know completely Polar Opposites as to why they're failing and like I'm kind of looking at that it almost feels a little ambiguous to me yeah but when I relay it to Engineers they're like oh totally get that like they're very much like got it like oh cool so you're speaking that speak but that's what's going to prepare them um another thing is is they hate they're in the AI space they hate when they're like hey why you interested oh I really like AI he goes I swear to God if someone else tells me that exact sentence I'm G to hang out on him like that's how Furious he is about this so I actually have to say hey besides you're into AI why do you want to talk to this company yeah and it's like oh okay yeah so it's like it I think it comes to like depth so when coaching your candidates everyone give them context like hardcore context um and what I like to do is like let's just say I have someone in the interview process that I don't know has like tangents talk about myself someone the tangents okay yeah so what I'll do instead of saying hey a hiring manager says to tangent too much I might say hey they just had a candidate that's a little past aggressive but they just had a candidate last week that they actually passed on them because the person tangent too much they need people to talk directly to the point now in my and I I want to hear your opinion on this one in my opinion I don't tell them that's their problem because I don't want them to start crashing down confidence family and give anxiety so I like to tell them someone else did this and that's why they didn't get the job so they could maybe internally be like okay how am I going to do this and then they even say hey do you think you CH do you need to help with your communication you know yeah I don't yeah no no I love that um and I like I have actually been in that situation a lot I feel like in the last six months where I have had to explain to people like you've got to just be brief and I feel like that's really hard to interview because everybody wants to say everything like they want to get it all out there like the example that I provided earlier where it's like you weren being considered because or no longer being considered because you don't have XYZ experience and the can like well I actually do but they didn't get to speak about it and so I think a lot of times it's like you know vomit they're just trying to get it all out like trying to get everything and make sure I hit on boom boom boom like everything that was said in the job description let me make sure I speak about it because I know that that's what they want and I feel like oftentimes it could be information overload exactly like what you're talking about but I like to set the expectation if I'm dealing with a hiring manager that is very much like you've got to be to the point I like to set that expectation when I prep my candidates for the interview I'm like I I don't even tell them like so and so did this or another candidate did this and they didn't get the offer I'm like this is and even if that person doesn't you know they're not long-winded they're brief I still like to give them like this is how I kind of like this hiring manager Playbook these are what you need to know about them going into an interview with them and so it's like if they like concise answers short answers to the point you know then I definitely think and and I've had to do that before um a lot actually recently where I've had to be like this you're going to lose our principal if you don't do XYZ if you don't you know you're not brief to the point and um I've seen a lot of candidates this is the other thing to that is like I've seen a lot of candidates in these interviews and this has been historically too like I've just seen this happen a lot since virtual interviewing has been a thing right where people can't read the room even virtually like you can't see the light draining out of the hiring manager's eyes the disengagement the

like looking at everything else you know but it's like you have to be able to read the room and know when you're just like talking too much and you're one of those that I can definitely tell when that's happening to we laugh about that I'm like you're we I'd be messaging like I can tell they're losing you if it's something that's too long-winded you're just like and so I think that's another thing that I coach people on um candidates on even if it's not you know specific to that hiring manager I'm like make sure to be concise in your answers because honestly who likes to listen to somebody that's really longwinded I mean that's solid I guess anybody that listens to our podcast like list we long but you know like it's I just think it's one of those things like just get to the point or like know what you're going to say and I have done this too I have prepped candidates for and so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this I have prep candidates for the types of things that they'll need to be prepared to discuss so I never give interview questions I never say like this is exactly what we're going to ask you but if they also if they say something amazing in their interview or their screen with me that's like really powerful and it's something like you've implemented you know this Erp system and we're going through that right now and I know that that's like a Hot Topic or whatever you know I make sure if they tell me that in the interview I'm like oh make sure you speak about that in other interviews that's really really good information I also notate it for myself and then I provide them little notes after of like here's some things to make sure if they Advance forward like make sure you talk about this make sure you're bre whatever so I think coaching your candidates is like something every recruiter should be doing I don't think a candidate should go into an interview with a panel or a hiring manager and not sort of have get like a lay of the land from the recruiter yeah like The Insider scoop like yeah tell me the tea like what's going on I mean let's think about biases so I know we all trained and I have biases here's the bottom line we're human so there's the thing right so um you should know what your hiring manager's biases are you should know you know their halo effect oh if you do this they're going to really love you you know and I think that that's the stuff that we have to tell people that's how you coach them to an offer like think always think about like why did someone get hired in this role before now did the Hing manager say no why did you know I was like what is going on what are the problems and as recruiters that is your job like that in my opinion if I was going to pick one thing if I'm a job Seeker why am I going to work for the recruiter that's why is because you've got the inside scoop yeah I mean that that's the truth like you're supposed to help me get my foot in the door you're supposed to help me get um a leg up over the competition you know and set or set myself apart from everybody else and I do think that that's a like recruiters yes they they could be really busy I know people love to say that recruiters ghost people I know that's a theme I it absolutely does happen I'm not going to say it doesn't happen it does happen um I can say I I'm guilty I've done it before um and the reasons in which I've done it I will say which is what has changed my perspective is because it's been completely outside of my control like I can only tell somebody so many times I don't have the feedback and if I still don't have it because y'all there are hiring managers that take month to make decisions or to get or change their mind on what they want or then they'll Circle back you know like change their mind for what they originally wanted and so we have to go down a different for profile look for a different profile and then they come back to this like there's a million scenarios that I've been in like that where I'm just like I never thought I'd be the recruiter that has to ghost people but I don't have an answer for you I don't have feedback for you or this role just stays open and Canes Fall by to the Wayside like it absolutely does happen and I promise you it's not because the recruiter wants to they would like to close the loop with you they would like to move on but I've had that happen where it's like we initially start the search think do we want this profile then the hiring manager changes his mind and thinks he wants this but wants to to leave this wreck open and so you go and you're looking for this other thing but you're trying to keep these candidates over here warm and then sometimes come back to them it sometimes recruiters are put in impossible situations like but by impossible I mean just really hard to make everybody happy and you know on a human level we understand B and try to give as much feedback as we can but I also feel like sometimes I full disclosure for our listeners wasn't always met with the same I guess a level of empathy that I was trying to provide candidates which is like I'm so sorry I still don't have an update for you by like checking in once a week letting him know like I still don't have an update for you but I just wanted to Circle back and let you know that I promise I'll let you know as soon as I have some feedback and then you know get met with attitude sometimes in response that and it's like it's not the recruiter's fault if they don't have feedback and they're not trying to [ __ ] you and they're not trying to string you along and communicating with you is a courtesy but when they get attitude back or somebody gives them [ __ ] back that's what makes recruiters go the route in which the conversation started of wanting to be non-confrontational and therefore just ghosting or sending a generic message you know right so I think what you're doing though isn't actually ghosting you're just saying like look I don't any feedback but then I obviously gets to the point where you're like well and then I yeah and then it became ghosting because like I still I just don't have any feedback or if you send me a really shitty message back to me saying I don't have any feedback for you and I get like met with all of this attitude and how unprofessional it is that we don't have feedback like whatever then you know I not understood anger back it's like especially if you want something yeah you want something are you you want a popsicle are you going to come like step on my foot to go get my popsicle no I'm going to eat the popsicle right in front of you we said well it's like the guy that you mentioned that didn't want to answer the questions it's like this is what purpose does that serve you what purpose does having attitude or being angry like where does that get you in this process of wanting this job where does acting like that or having those sort of emotions or taking it out like how do you think that's going to get you ahead of everybody nobody's gonna be like I hired that guy or that girl because she was the most pissed off first in the

process yeah maybe that works when you're dating right he was want it's like what I'm G to go tame that [ __ ] yeah they that don't yeah don't um I I think another thing because I know we're getting close to time here is um how you can really coach your your candidates to an offer is even by the questions they ask so I think that there's those first of all we all have to ask questions but you always know like hey you ask this question like there's also buying signals because hiring managers especially lately with this weird Market we are in they do not want to waste any time on candidates that are generally interested because there is this huge spray and prey method with with job Chas right now right it's like I'm going to send my resume to anyone and everyone going back to your point like no one's resourcing the company right now because they're probably talking to like 600 companies or they just don't even care right so it's like hey give them buying signals like let them know you're interested tell them why like let them you know like on the other side when I'm coaching like a candidate to for a close like hey close your eyes visualize you sitting you know in the office with them if they're in office visualize that that's your manager and you know how's that relationship going to go like I kind of go deep level like that but on the other side they have to still do that to the interview team you know cuz like that's the same thing it's like the choose me you know I don't know why I'm thinking of red robber did you ever play that game as a kid red Rob yeah that game yeah I play that game with the kid you're D I [ __ ] love that game you know what's funny is they ended up getting banned from school I guess it was too violent like a clothes

line like many a closed lies yeah that that g was so I'm like I am surprised but I'm not that it got banned that's so I'm just like think I don't even know what I was thinking but like you know Red Rover Red Rover said that what I wrot ride over you know and it's like they have to want you on their team yeah like I don't think people totally grasp that too yeah personality wise communication wise like you know how we're talking about soft skills on the time it's because it's like look I can put my head down and not talk to you and let you do your job but that's not what happen like we have to talk to each other we have to have teamwork I have to actually like you but that's what's funny is I remember always oh you don't have to like who you work with well kind of right like I don't have to want to go hang out with them but I have to have some kind of like for them right feel that they want to work there life is I mean we've all worked with people we didn't like let's be honest everybody has worked with at least one person that you don't like and it's actually like because we spend so much time with our co-workers and whether that's virtually or in person you're still like on the phone all you're with these people a lot like more than your family I think it's really you want to like the people that you work with like it's miserable when you don't like the people that you work with right so that's another thing I think to coach cand on which I think gets missed a lot it gets missed like you know like just personality wise yeah you know like we were talking we're talking earlier how it's like you listen to podcast sometimes because you just want to like laugh hysterically right yeah like those are those personalities where it's like hey can you imagine someone coming in keep it super light maybe even having like a whatever joke and like wow that's a lasting you know lasting thing this person loves us let's yeah you know like those are the people that I mean i' hire people the SP like those are the people like you want to just be like yes huging I'm going to koal this person for sure and that's how you coach your candidates you coach your candidates at all for house yeah and I well we're coming up on time so the Bros spot tip that I had for our listeners which is in line with everything that you and I have been talking about but is as the candidate ask questions and ask for the feedback because what that does is in the scenario that I outlined earlier where um you know somebody could feel uncomfortable the recruiter can feel uncomfortable getting the feedback because they don't like confrontation and can view it as confrontational like you're opening yourself up and you're saying I want the feedback and you know I love to do it like I love when candidates do that via phone or video or whatever but not just in an email which email is great if we don't connect again but I love when you know at the end of the interview a caned to ask me is there any you know red flags about my resume or my background or anything where you know where you think that I wouldn't get the job or wouldn't be considered or anything I need to sharpen up my skills on or just any when they open the door and you know when you're starting that conversation once and you're opening the door and saying I want feedback and the person this is why I like it to be virtual or over the phone um when the person gives you feedback you're like okay that's fair okay I'll research this or whatever and they can see how you receive the feedback it help rained just as far as like okay this person is great they could take constructive criticism like noted but self-aware yeah it's so many things but it's also like helps you as the candidate you're getting the information you need to do better in the interview process in advance for it it is never a bad thing to ask for feedback at the end of an interview of like is there anything in my background where you think I wouldn't be a good fit or anything that I should speak further about or elaborate further about um in the upcoming interviews yeah like you ask those questions and I swear to you like there have absolutely been moments where I'm like okay I wasn't going to give this candidate this feedback right now but when they ask me for it it's like okay and then and then you give them the feedback and see how they handle it and I can tell you this like I've never had somebody ask me for the feedback and then get defensive when I give it to them you know yeah that's a really good point and also I think to note from candidates and recruiters besides is if they don't get this job you are helping them with get another job yep you know so I think that is like massive and recruiters Please Stand Tall on this you know and and I like how you said like either on the phone or video because what does happen I don't know if every candidate knows this is some companies cannot give feedback like we are literally told I'm going to give you the feedback but you're not supposed to tell the candidate so it's like you can't have a paper trail that [ __ ] yeah you can't you can't do that you'll get in trouble for it but you know maybe on the phone you want to help him out you want to give him a little something you know it's like yeah well and it also just I don't think things l in the same way in text you know like in writing and so I think it's like somebody could you could give someone the feedback that in writing would seem like you're being a huge [ __ ] but it's like if you deliver it in a way again that's you can tell sentiment when somebody is speaking to you so that's why I say it's very big for me that is done you know via video like this or it's done via phone because I think you get so much out of it on both sides you get to see how the candidate respond to constructive criticism see if they get defensive see if they're like okay well I actually I did do that here but I'm going to make sure to expand upon that in my next interviews you know like I you get so much out of it on both sides so you're really doing yourself a huge disservice candidates if you are not asking for feedback after your first interview with a recruiter mhm I got to touch on two things you know I always do this but you said sentiment and I know we're always talking about is AI going to replace us no yeah they don't have sentiment yeah like that like it's that right there that I think is just like massive you just like brought that all

together go you all right this is awesome another great episode and we are almost to our 100th and I'm telling you listeners you are going to want to tune in you're going to want to share this all over the place for our 100th episode because we got something big big announcement coming up we see you soon thanks y'all

Creators and Guests

Brianna Rooney
Brianna Rooney
I am the CEO and Founder of TalentPerch, Techees Recruiting, The Millionaire Recruiter, and now Thriversity. My vision for the last 14 years has been to change the way the World views the Recruiting Industry. Even though I have two little kids, I remain firm on maintaining a work-life balance. I believe you can be as successful at work, as you are at home. You don’t have to choose. The choice is, to be present and rock everything you do!
Taylor Bradley
Taylor Bradley
Chief Strategy Officer, Talent Leader, Advisor, Podcast Co-host. I specialize in turning DIRT to GLITTER ✨
Coach Your Candidates to an Offer
Broadcast by