ChatGPT Your Therapeutic Ally?
welcome to Talent takeover unfiltered when it comes to working hard and keeping it real we know our [ __ ] self-care happiness inner peace and time I'm Brianna Rooney and this is Taylor Bradley hey y'all and we have thrived in chaos and turn it into an art form so Taylor what are we doing here today we're here to give you a raw under the hood view of all things recruiting and finally give credit where credit is due to a long underrated industry that's full of quote unquote experts all right well then let's take this show to the road hello hello welcome to another amazing episode of talent takeover unfiltered so we are coming to you with a very special guest Cody Horton hello welcome how you doing hey there I'm doing well I'm excited to be here this is going to be fun oh don't we know it because we also have Taylor Bradley here Taylor how you doing I'm doing good excited to have Cody with us nice okay so what are we talking about here we go this is we're going to bring something that hopefully no one has done before because I had never heard of it so I'm like Cody we have to talk about this um first of all our obsession with chat PT if you are not yet obsessed please become obsessed you can use it like for so many things but Cody has actually used it to be his therapist please talk us through that first of all how it started just a little bit and we're just going to dig because I've we have so many questions yeah definitely but you know I've been known as that as that person that's always embracing uh that Cutting Edge technology before it's ready for prime time you know but I can but I can promise that I I always find a use case for it that really can Empower me to change lives and Empower other people to change their lives I took chat GPT and decided oh hey I'm going to take this out into what I call my intentional Focus lab which is just a garage with whiteboard and I started asking all kinds of questions like development how do I personally grow how do I do these things and started a full conversation with just about everything I know we don't have time to do that now but I when I started doing a little bit of research I also found out I'm not the only one when you look at at the medical industry and mental health and all those things CH they're they're starting to integrate things like chat GPT and other generative Ai and AI platforms and I just been using it it's it's a safe place for you to ask questions it's a great place for you to model scenarios and do all the things that you just wouldn't feel comfortable with if you were talking to other people and kind of putting yourself out there so it's it's really made been a game changer for me being able to just practice in a safe place before I actually have to go do anything what's go ahead Bri no no no sorry I we have so U well I I think initially psychological safety you know in Dei we talk about that a lot in organizations we talk about it a lot but it's easier said than actually done or actually I should say felt you know like I you try to say hey you can tell me anything you know like like Taylor and I we actually just we just got together which was great in person um and you know we're just shoting [ __ ] and there's not a lot of people you can generally say anything and everything that comes out of your mouth but obviously with Chad gbt you absolutely can and you can ask those really hard questions where I'm like is this a dumb question like I how many times have you thought about like wanting to raise your hand like even in like a meeting be like what's that acronym what are we talking about again you know and it takes courage to do that so I I I dig that yeah no go ahead Taylor I was just going to say what's the frequency in which you use this I I really curious to hear your methodology of like what is your daily process when using this yeah I use I use some generative AI every day multip hours a day I literally don't do much of anything without going and bouncing it off of what I call my thought buddy or my therapist right I bounce all kinds of ideas off of chat gbt so I use it every day multiple hours a day for a whole lot of different things I mean one of the things I did when I was getting ready for this is I took a picture of my of my office to say hey act like an interior decorator and a podcast expert and tell me how I need to rearrange this room so that it's going to be better for the cameras and it literally I uploaded the picture it gave me advice on the room and what I should do without rearranging the entire room and so it's things like that that you wouldn't even think about or hey I've got a difficult conversation that I'm going to go have with this person you can give chat GPT the cont context of the person right you can customize and say Here's the Persona that I'm going to be dealing with and the personality traits how they've responded examples of what they've said in the past and how they said it and you know how should I approach this person to make this conversation come out as a win-win for everyone I mean it's that kind of thing that that that I'm doing right and and it's just one of those things where I think anybody can do it right yeah did you just start doing this one day or did you hear of somebody else doing this cuz I've never heard of it I'm making notes as just saying this CU I'm like I got to go try this out I've used chat gbt but never in the ways of which you described and so when you're talking about you know the interior design I'm writing that that's super cool I didn't even actually didn't even know chat GPT could function in some of those ways so um yeah any I'd love to hear more examples of how you use it and then also you know how how you think ta professionals could use it best or just anybody in general with it being your therapist well I am I am super curious I'm always trying to learn and understand things this when I discovered that chat GPT and other generative AI platforms could actually help me learn about subjects that I didn't even think about I'll take an example U there's a Quantum Computing I actually asked it to explain it to me and it did it in a way that I could understand and I'm just really curious and raise my hand a lot now I can raise my hand and the teacher not look the other you how you're in the you're in not roll your eyes you're the kids got their hand up the teacher the teacher doesn't turn it turn its head on me and the other thing is is chat GPT doesn't judge me for a stupid question like there's no stupid question and so the way I started doing it is I started thinking about what are the things in my life that I need to do every day that I need to talk to different people about or I need to work with different people on or I need to learn and it allowed me to just say what if I put this in in in chat GPT I'm that kid that you said don't push the red button well now you got my attention so I touched the hot plates you know they put your steak in front of you this is really hot oh yeah yeah that's that's exactly right exactly right so that I've done so mental healthwise because I think that this is something that's going to help absolutely everyone regardless of who listens this um how have you going about that cuz I'm also thinking wow a free therapist there we go right you know let's let's let it rip so how are you using it with that and like do you have like a a Cadence that you go or just whenever you're feeling something yeah um it's a Cadence that I go so what I do every day is I'm always working on my mindset right how do I become more Mindful and intentional about taking steps and your fear kicks in or your ego or insecurity or whatever it is and so I put those definitions in but I also told chat GPT to take on the Persona of a mental health professional and I gave it a few bullets but it's smart enough to know what that job is and so I want it because I want it to be qualified then I start the conversation hey I'm feeling some anxiety around this I'm feeling triggered by this and I give it that information and it it's it's it's amazing that it gives me responses that many mental health professionals would give now you can't take the person out I'm not saying sure we're not going to have mental health professionals but I got motivated to do research I'm like is anybody doing it this way I did searches on on YouTube and I use chat GPT and some other tools to find what are they saying about generative AI in the mental health space and therapists are starting to use chat GPT and they're embracing many are embracing you can't take the human uh emotion and the human empathy out but you can encourage chat gbt to be more empathetic or you could say hey I want you to give me a straight un un u cushioned response so that I can know how to take because I don't take Nuance very well I'm I'm like clear and unambiguous in my communication so if I'm giving feedback it's not always the the softest but it's clear and Chad GPT has helped me word things in a different way than I might otherwise word them to be quick and get it get the be brief right and get to it um doing the research on YouTube I found so many videos where they're talking about mental health and health care and how they're using chat GPT and generative AI to help those professionals in their profession it's not there like a clinical person would be yet I think someone described it in one of the videos as it's it's U it's about a fourthe clinical uh professional from an education perspective love that so I'm me I'm thinking like one um an individual can't be there for you 24/7 and so I still feel like yeah I'm going to want to talk to my coach or I'm going to want to talk to my therapist because it's the the human the vibe the the body body language like you said and it it kind of like you and then also reading kind of gets a little tiring too right but what I but what I really like about you writing it down is it's also therapeutic because I know journaling is so therapeutic I love it it's like you're getting it out even especially when you're upset like you want to vent or you have something to say it's like T you know type it out really quickly so it's really cool to kind of um I guess have that soften you in the moment or direct you in the moment where it's like what are you going to do pick up your phone and your therapist or coach like and you know like what it's not an emergency maybe you know so it's nice to have that additional support but then also the track record of it because you know for listeners here they've heard us talk a lot about uh our growth and success journals you know super important so it's kind of like the same kind of process and also you're teaching this spot who you are you know inside out and that's amazing yeah powerful yeah no that's that's exactly it and what I I'm into journaling as well and it gives me the ability to get my thoughts down what I like the most is if I ask a question if I have a a challenging question it gives me advice I don't agree with it I have a challenging question and I challenge the response it doesn't take it personally there's no emotion to take it personally though I can tell it to take it personally and respond like an angly person but it doesn't take it personally link and so and it doesn't criticize so that's the that's the one thing that's you know it's just kind of weird saying that about uh technology right but yeah it's a help not a hindrance yeah no and I was even thinking about like if you're having to have a difficult conversation whether personally or professionally what you just said Cody of you know I can you could prompt it to respond and how somebody would if they're angry how somebody would if they're sad I think that's like just going to help you and and again personal professional to have difficult conversations um for new managers and I'm just thinking you know obviously this is horrible nobody wants to talk about it but it's real life you know whe they're having to have those first time layoff conversations or first Hing somebody you know the when I had to do those initially my first time the chat gbts of the world didn't exist so to have something like that that could kind of help you anticipate what sort of responses you could get and how to navigate those and it's genius the way you're using it I'm like as long as it's been around which I know hasn't been that that long but I have not heard of anybody using it as a therapist and and for this these types of things more conversational like how should I approach this versus what should this Outreach message beat or to this candidate or what should I do with an intake call with the hiring manager you're actually having conversations with it which is it it is fascinating yeah Taylor you know what's really interesting and and to take it to a different level of how I use it so I create all these Frameworks for my personal use right there's always a framework I have one called Fel and it stands for for fear ego shame history insecurity and lived experience belief system and lived experience I wrote out the general definitions of what each one of those was put it in the chat GPC GPT and said give me more insight on these topics and write affirmations for this and then I use the fible framework when I'm feeling triggered by something oh wow I don't want to take the next step and it says well you maybe you're maybe you're having fear based on your FAL model and it's it's it it's insane now nobody in my house wants to hear about this right oh I don't keep it going you know my intentional Focus lab is in the garage so the big whiteboard my wife has to drive into the garage in her car and she has to get from from her car to the house without me trying to share some amazing stuff about chat GPT okay I have to know what's your chat gpt's name it has to have a name I haven't named it yet that's what I have yeah what I have done is I've taken and I've created what I call my G it's called G General AI advisory Council g a i n c and chat GPT co-pilot one call and uh Gemini which used to be barred and I run scenarios by all of them to get their input and I'll tell one hey chat GPT created this response what is your response to that response and it really gives me that information so I've kind of geeked out on this I told you I'm a little bit of a tech a little bit little bit of a geek and so uh but what you can count on for me is I'm going to take that Innovative technology and I want to take it to a level that empowers people to change their lives or empowers people to change their business and a lot of that starts with mentally where we are from a psychological perspective uh which is why I hope hope the listeners will get maybe one thing out of this conversation that they can go and help them take the next step on yeah we're going to have to do though what is it for F yeah okay we're going to for sure blast that everywhere like that's like I was like I was going to try to ferociously write it down I'm like no I'm going to re listen to this and we're gon I got an article on it on LinkedIn I've got an article about it and it kind of lays it all out and so it's one of those things that it's so powerful we're gonna share that with the podcast yeah you cannot Cody have a madeup acronym called the sheel and your chat GPT bot not have a name I know I'm upset for for it I'm after this I'm going to need your help on that I you know if people want to put comments on on to I'll do that because I I you know I'm more of a Critic than Creator right oh my God yeah all right you heard it here put some comments what should Cody call a chaty PT therapist or hey does anyone call their chat chpt something that's we really start thinking about this he you could the other platforms that you use where you're like hey chat GPT said this does it ever like based on getting to know you and maybe this is not not your personality and how you speak to it but it's probably what it would say to me is like Chad G no [ __ ] this is what it is and give you a different answer does it ever tell you like Joe listen to Chach PT that would be hilarious if it did probably the older reason it doesn't do that is because of litigation people don't want to have St reliable right so they're they're probably moderating the answer that could potentially come out but I could probably that's a good test for me is to feed it the context that says here's your role here's your perspective on chat GPT and then feed it a response and see what I get out of that that's a great that's a great great idea I feel like only Alexa is Sassy enough to respond like that Alexa's got a chip on her show oh pun intended I like it oh my God okay so the I I hate to go too far into the TA space even though this is what the you know technically our podcast is about Talent takeover un filtered but how have you started to use it you know in your own job because you are you know a TA professional for many years yeah um what the way I use it in the job is that it it's really a thought partner I use it to share content I use it to help me figure out how can I go and expand my pool of talent to be more inclusive and to get a more diverse group into the into the pool in fact I went and wrote I just wrote a uh custom GPT and I called that one that one has a name it's Cody's strategic sourcing GPT and it will walk you through an entire intake spit out Boolean search strings give you a table that compares candidate profiles if you upload a profile it'll tell you whether they meet it or not and then it'll export the the the sourcing strategy that it creates for you into a Word document or into PowerPoint and so I can use it in that way uh and then I use it every day to think about messaging and content and all those things and then to just test my messaging to see what's going to resonate I love asking chat chbt how does like like if I'm doing B let's say bisad for example I'm like hey how does this sound like is is it salesy enough would you buy this you know the stuff like that and I love how it like sums it up and it is funny cuz sometimes I'm like no it's better than that you know and you're like kind of arguing with it right you're like okay fine but you can really you know get to the nitty-gritty of it hey you know what I need this to be like 500 characters because right now my chaty is a little wordy so it's it's almost like you they must really know me okay no let's Cut's cut the crap yeah get get smaller u i i i love it I mean like I use it for sequencing you know like because I think we can get in our own head well we get in our own head all the time about messaging right how am I going to appear how I don't want to repeat myself I want to sound smart I want to you know sound direct though like there's all these different tonalities we're looking for um and so what's great is I have one message maybe even a little bit longer than normal and just be like hey I love this message I've looked at it you've helped me with it now make a seven-step sequence from this one message and it's amazing and you know and of course the the power of the human brain is really cool because then you know you kind of switch and and and do things because you know it's it's better practice but again it's learning and then you can just say hey remember how we wrote this you know two days ago uh now do this again but in this other Manner and it's the it's like the memory on it it's like I want chat gpt's memory it's it's powerful isn't it well I watched you in preparation to talk with you I watched you and Taylor do a amazing uh discussion right I'm like I'm not as real as they are they got it they got it going right and and so I'm just watched your your your discussions from the first one and had seen you talking about G and and so Taylor I'm I'm really I'm really curious you know what or and Banna what got you using generative AI because you may be Geeks but I don't it doesn't appear that you're geeky as geeky as that as that yeah um well to answer honestly Brien is what got me using Chad GPT initially so whenever we work together um it was just something it was just kind of coming about becoming the big thing and we were doing bis Dev and she knows that I just don't love to write things it's something that I can do it and usually that the result is good but it would take me like all day to put something together or an article or anything like that and so she was like start using chat GPT it was a little weird at first it was like something that was like uh I don't know but it I mean I'm doing Google research and all these other steps to try to just accomplish the same thing and ultimately gave me a better result than that I was a Believer so it it was actually Brianna that got me using it and it's just something that I've adopted although not personally in the way in which you have Cody and I think that is really F I didn't even know you could and I think that that's like very very fascinating and something that I'm going to explore immediately once we get off this call I I can't wait to see your thread yeah no that's GNA be you got to screenshot that thread I will I will for sure but it was briena and I think if anybody from a business perspective if you're not using it I think you're doing yourself a disservice because it definitely makes your life easier even if you just have to send a candidate an email and or reject I mean it could be something really simple that you're like I've done this a milon times but I just don't want to think about it it's the end of the day whatever I just I think it makes your life so much easier um but brand I don't know how you got into it uh actually Kate who does the Brandon and marketing I'm going to give her a shout out she's listening right now of course um she is the one who she she's always been um one to take courses she's always doing udemy courses and stuff like that she's really like yeah she she is a proud generalist she'll shoot that one from the rooftop um and so she kept she's like I think this is the new thing I think you got to start using it and you know I think you know I've been in Tech recruiting for so long I'm used to pivoting and using new stuff a lot um but I think at that moment in my career I was kind of like man I'm just I I have so much that I'm using like like not now and she honestly just kept pestering me about I was like all right she's like I can't remember what use case she made me do it for but she made me do it and oh my God I think I think they probably just last week again I'm like I can't I probably use it at this point 40% of my dick like I use it that often and um I actually I I don't know if I've told a story on the podcast but I'll tell it again for shits and giggles uh my parents were like what is this what is this and my stepdad has been a business owner for 30 years they also own um an ice cream shop toy store and all these things and so I'm like okay so I was trying to like think how what use case could I like show to them that would matter because she was like why wouldn't I just Google something so I separated them and I said okay Blake tell me I had my computer in front of me tell me what you love about my mom he was like okay so I start just typing it out and we're going through I said okay great so I I said my I told my mom come back in the room Blake here's the computer read for btim and I didn't let him read it first I said read for btim what is on this on this computer and it was a love letter to my mom and she had no idea what what happened is giving me the chills he read it for btim she tear up and she was like she hits him that's her love language she's hitting him she go what is that why are you doing this and I and so I ended up telling them I'm like well that was cha gbt and they're and they were like and that's cheating like you can't write the cards I'm like no no no this is his words it's just in a form that I taught it to do and so then of course you know Blake's like well do me so you know I had my mom write the Love Letter too but they loved it sent it to them and then of course showed them obviously how we can Market it and stuff you know and and for their business and whatnot uh but yeah they're just blown away and it's like it actually can give feelings because it's coming from you it's just in a way that you're not really sure how to get it out and I think that's what's really cool and I'm actually even teaching my kids how to do it which I know is controversial because you're like well you got to learn things first you can't just do you know but they have access to it let's teach them how to do it in the right way and I think um going Cody to your point on an emotional side I think it's so so therapeutic and so beautiful uh to have this and not to replace a human relationship but to understand how you feel and how to say it is it's the emotional intelligence of it it's amazing I I just got to give you the heart I love thatt I love that that that where did you get that about that by the way you guys can see this on on the millionaire recruiter YouTube what Cody just did right now if you're listening to it in the car you're gonna have to go on YouTube and see what see what he just did that's an amazing story and it and it really underscores um how do you convince right it it it's not even convincing someone to to engage and use uh a tool like chat GPT it is you are showing the impact and you're telling it what to do it's still the worker be it's doing all that grunt work you said you we you'd have Taylor said you'd have to go out and search the internet and do all this other work when it already has information compiled so why not take advantage of it uh in a professional setting but even in that personal setting you just shared an amazing story Brianna and and that story that's that's what changes people's lives because now people can see themselves in the story and I talk about this with with my inclusive work is if people can't see themselves in the story they don't want to play so you just help them see themselves in the story and then they're all over it and owning it and so that's I know that's a that's a that's a h that's a great story that that you're sharing and that goes back to why I use it to really be my advisor to help me with mental mental issues to help me with professional development and it's a safe space for me to be in and do that doesn't mean I'm not going to talk and interact with people because I'm an extrovert and I want to interact with people uh but my wife said I think you're liking this chat GPT thing way too much cuz you don't even want to go anywhere I'm like yeah cuz it's brief and it it gives me exactly what I'm asking for not some other opinion that I'm not looking for once it starts cooking our
meals exactly I think we're coming up on time fortunately I know it flew by um but if you want to go ahead Cody and hit him with the broke to Moss tip yeah this was I was thinking about this and I think I had this long list of stuff right but the one thing that I think is most critical is build relationships because relationships reduce resistance and always keep learning and put yourself out there just to take that next step and move forward and sometimes the relationship whether you build it with chat GPT or actually real meanful uh that relationship will come back later to benefit really everyone involved so that's the the biggest thing it's all about relationships at the end of the day I love it Cody I do have a one last I always do this at the end I have one last question have I know do you now feel more safe to ask questions like openly to other people because now you've been used to having hard conversations with chat GPT yeah well I feel what makes me feel I feel more capable of of having those harder conversations because now I believe that I can I can vet the conversation I can model the conversation before I have it and I can say how might this person respond to this statement that I'm making and it'll give me advice on how to better word how to better phrase the conversation and so I feel more safety I feel like I'm more capable of doing it and it's not like it's doing it for me it's just helping me get out of my own head yeah yeah oh I love that just because when you were giving your broke to boss tip that I just was like oh my gosh you must feel more safe you have to absolutely absolutely I love it thank you so much so we so listeners we've got a lot to share again you're going to want to watch this also if you're just listening to it um but you know find Cody on LinkedIn we're going to link everything there um you are amazing thank you so much Taylor of course you're the best see you next week thank you so much bye awesome
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