100th Episode and Big News!

welcome to Talent takeover unfiltered when it comes to working hard and keeping it real we know our [ __ ] self-care happiness inner peace and time I'm Brianna Rooney and this is Taylor Bradley hey y'all and we have thrived in chaos and turn it into an art form so Taylor what are we doing here today we're here to give you a raw under the hood view of all things recruiting and finally give credit where credit is due to a long underrated industry that's full of quote unquote experts all right well then let's take this show to the road hello hello welcome to take over unfiltered and today is a very very special day did I miss something in the title yeah I was asking what what did she just say so tell our listeners okay so different today is first of all our 100th [Music] episode sh ch ch it's water no damn it they all this [ __ ] hydrated it's water hey speak for yourself so 100th episode came really fast I thought because it's just been like a really great time just shooting the [ __ ] with you um and we Let's see we met in Dall in Dallas whatever um a couple of two or three weeks ago I was speaking you watch my kids we had this great weekend we were bozy we were talking about our careers and we both so for anyone that has not listened we have been in recruiting now for 16 years both of us and it's like one of those like I don't know fatigued moments maybe it's the industry sucks maybe it's like we've talked about all sorts of stuff um so if you haven't actually listened to our our episode about you know empowering your careers and re-energizing it definitely check that out because it's really great we get raw all the time um I was going to go in a different Direction there sorry help her help me out here so say same that for later that's episode three no why was going in too many places yeah but you know just going back to what you said we were in and giving our listeners kind of because I feel like everybody maybe they don't openly talk about it but has to be feeling the same way that we were kind of feeling so to give you guys context we were sitting at this recck s that I take my kids to got gym like all this cool stuff right and we're just sit there chitchatting the kids are all playing and we were just talking about talent and we're talking about recruiting we're talking about the industry we're talking about what are we going to do with our lives like what what direction are we going in and I think both of us had this moment and um or had been having these moments where we were like never did we think we'd be here at this point in our our lives or our careers at this point in our lives so I didn't think I speak for myself I didn't think that I would kind of be at this like impath what am I doing you know I'm almost 40 what am I doing I thought I would have my [ __ ] figured out by 40 you know and I've always been one of those people that's had my [ __ ] figured out so to be at a place where you're kind of like a midlife crisis you know where you're like what the [ __ ] am I doing like Min is the affair and sports car you know you're loud like I'm getting a corbette yeah it's like I just like I just need to from a you know my personal life is great I'm really really happy there but it's just like professionally I'm like this Talent recruiting industry right now is just is brutal and our listeners I know that's the bul bar listeners I know they get it they relate to that and um I think we've we've talked about so many different things as it relates to the talent acquisition industry we've talked about so much as it relates to owning your own business starting your own business we we've talked about a lot from a business aspect but how this all originated this podcast in general Talent takeover EG filtered was just from our beer us shooting the [ __ ] and you know it was all about work stuff but just laughing and we're like we just need to let people in on this and so you know that's been our journey for the last couple years with Talent takeover and filtered um but we just wanted to get even more unfiltered and really be able to like expand and talk about anything that we want talk about um you know your dating life which is some amazing stories for our listeners like her her experiences on the dating apps were just awesome it was like I I have a like one of my other best friends that I was telling about your stories and she's like what's going on she's invested at this point you know like it'd be weeks later she's like how to date with um so and so go because you have names for them I was like it's actually really [ __ ] funny because she has names for them like it's a book or something and if it's not their name necessarily it's like a you know like wrestler so and so and so um anyways I'm like this is just good [ __ ] and we wanted to be able to just talk about whatever is on our hearts whatever is on our mind whatever we're going through whatever we're feeling and uh you know some of that is going to be business some of that is going to be recruiting some of that is going to be looking for jobs and things like that and so we wanted to be able to be really be like truly unfiltered with even what our episodes are about yeah we uh wanted to spread our wings I think we've been dedicated to this industry for so long that it's like you know you don't want to feel like a CAG bird where it's like we're living sleeping breathing recruiting Talent acquisition all the time but I think for me espe especially in like the last two to three years mindset has become such a mega thing that I talk about in every coaching and training and ecourses all of that stuff internally it's what I talk about all the time because I think it's like 80% of why we do so great right so this is why we're taking it still takeover unfiltered because we're taking control of Our Lives yeah on any aspect of it every aspect whether it's the kids like we're talking about kids or professional it's like we'll tell funny stories or that we think are funny naturally um but it's like also you're going to be able to relate to stuff like this you know it's like kind of the stuff that no one's really talking about but everyone thinks about you know it's like I want to hear about that but what I like to is that we also have like I think the freedom to talk about work as well to talk about like like for sure why why why this goes well why this doesn't you know stuff like that um I can't wait I I know that we want to like kind of put the lid on like some of the topics that we're going to talk about even though I cannot help myself uh but let's go back to we have 100 episodes yeah so what are like what were your some of your favorites yeah so one of my favorites because you know I used to say this all the time when we would have conversations not not about you or to you but it's just like getting comfortable having difficult conversations and you know the whole episode was about like it's a conversation not a confrontation and I know that was one that we got um a lot of comments a lot of people reaching out a lot of messages on because I think that's just that's just a common thing that you know most people I would I would say are like not comfortable having difficult conversations so that one um it was in in addition to our conversation our dialogue about it I really like the feedback that we got from our listeners on that one and um the inter engagement inter action that we got that one was really special to me are you thinking about starting your own recruiting agency still trying to figure out where to begin You Are Not Alone many aspiring agency owners are intimidated by the unknowns the complexities of the recruitment industry to the point that they don't even start they let their dream fizzle Out w w w while watching others succeed so the freedom to be their own boss and not have their potential earning capped slipped right through their fingers but what if I told you there's a way to turn that overwhelming challenge into your biggest opportunity that's exactly why I created the start your own recruiting agency crash course this shouldn't be a secret that I keep as a seral entrepreneur in the tech recruiting space I have over 15 years of experience in building scaling and successfully exiting recruiting companies this comprehensive boot camp is designed to guide you through every step of launching and growing a successful recruiting agency I wish I had this course when I first started that was hard um it could have saved me so many headaches so many costly mistakes and this course covers everything from creating your business blueprint to mastering sourcing techniques and delivering best-in-class canid experience imagine having over 7 hours of video instruction 30 plus downloadable resources all of these are designed to propel you towards achieving that six to seven figure Milestone this is what I'm offering to you let's tackle these challenges headon enroll in starting your own recruiting agency today and take that first step towards building the career and life you've always wanted I have others as well I want to hear your top yeah yeah yeah no I I'll just I'll just go through a couple because I think we can go back and forth and I'm wondering if they have the same um so we talk about it a lot but it's the improve your life 1% every single day y with Kevin one of my favorites um and for listeners up and coming because of that episode because I truly believe in that and I strive for that that was actually why I am with the current person I'm with because he had that on his dating profile get 1% better I want to be with someone that wants to be 1% better every single day I'm like sign me up sign me up that's who I want um in fact he was her stalker and he listen said yeah I'm a sudden I all and found her so you guys don't more about that

later kitty it's a j all right but that's is it is it sorry Jeff love you me it um another one that I think we really got a lot of hits on is no more misss nice recruiter with Carrie me yeah I think that one was really cool because it hit a couple of different things whether even you're the recruiting industry or not it was so relatable on essentially how you stand up and get it done um I think it was probably more relatable with women because of what she said she's like look um I'm in my 50s now and I finally realized how to like work a room and how to be confident and it was act like a man and I never forget when she said that and I was like oh my God she just said that so it's like also the benefit of being unfiltered which I think is super cool cuz like let's just let it rip like how do we really feel yeah U because because that's how we actually make movement in careers and personal lives it's like all right let's grab our confidence grab our balls grab our confidence let's just yeah that was one of my favorites too because she was also just very transparent about the struggle that she had like where she started versus where she ended up not in her from her career perspective but like as far as you know breeding the room and you know grabbing her lady balls like you said and just like you know like it was a journey for her and so her speaking about that was I think was like I don't know it's really empowering to me because it's like some people are born that way some people are not some people like have to evolve into being that and I'm always impressed I don't care what it is I'm always impressed what people can strive to change themselves you know for the better like whatever that is that they're doing if you can actually see something that you want to change but changing something about your personality is pretty hard to do so the fact that like she did that pretty impressive uhhuh I love like how she talked to herself you know before get got into her room she's like all right here we go like yeah Jam you know and I I actually did that stuff when I first had my um my talking shm that was the first time I was publicly you know doing a a speaking event and that's exactly what I did I went into the bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror and I was like all right Brandon you got this you're excited you're not nervous let's do this you know I was like I and I said it out loud I'm thinking to myself oh my God anyone's in here like whatever that to myself right now don't care yeah that one was amazing and then the other one that I loved was um chase the mentors not the money oh I forgot about that one yeah I do like that one o yeah um and how to get him in yes yes yes yes um I mean how long have you had a mentor for I've had different mentors so I would say that I've probably Pro so out of like 16 years of being a talent acquis I I would probably say that I've had a mentor like I don't know at least 14 of those years because I my first Mentor yeah I met my first Mentor very very young into my career and then was my mentor for a long long time like a really long time but I do think you should have multiple mentors we we talked about that in the episode like you need to have and that can change and evolve and it could be different kinds of mentors it can start as one relationship like a coach and then turn into a mentorship like it can it can take on various forms but I I feel like I've kind of always had one for the bulk of my professional life I bill dys yeah for sure mine started with my stepdad but then like like professionally where I'm actually paying for it has been like six years now um but total Game Changer oh see I view those two things differently I view a mentor as somebody that's not paid and then I view a coach as somebody that's paid so like that's what I was saying it could evolve into a from a coaching relationship into like a mentorship if you are at a point that you're like no longer paying them but you still stay connected I don't know I kind of feel like it's it could be too in my mind it's too different things I feel like a mentor is just like more organically somebody that wants to help you do well in business and somebody that kind of like takes you under their wing yeah and is like let me teach you the ways and somebody that you can call when you have an offer letter and you're like hey can you look at this for me or can you tell me you know like look at this equity for whatever it is like somebody that is just kind of like your person to bounce things off of and like understands from Abyss has just lived more life than you typically and has seen things that you haven't seen and so somebody that can give you guidance to navigate different situations yeah I love that the other episode that I liked is the 21 skills that pay you forever yeah so if you have not I think we did two parts in that one did I love that for so many reasons and probably because I have kids you know because it's like okay let's get back to like the nitty-gritty what are some things that can really help you now and forever and I loved it so I took it like extra personal you know which I think like sometimes when you take things like personal and have that extra added emotion it just really is exciting and it's like really nitty-gritty um I loved it yeah it makes me think like this is a tangent moment people are going to be like what but I was thinking about the 21 skills and then also the mentorship and I have a friend who's um she's working with like I think this girl's 20 and just graduated and you know she's she's 38 39 um and so you know 18 19 years difference and it's like she's teaching her all of these things like kind of not not so much business things as far as mentorship but like life things like she was telling me she's putting her on to like this different good music like this music we grew up um TV shows she's telling her about when you used to have like a phone plugged into your wall I'm like when you got your first phone and that you know remember the clear ones that were plugged into the wall and so this girl it's like mind blown you know she cannot wrap her head around the way that the world used to be but she's really really interested in it which I thought was super cool like really and I I had that thought and then it makes me wonder about Lima and Diego too I'm like are they gonna like at some point ever be really interested in how we grew up you know like the phones and we didn't have the internet and all of that and stuff and so it's like into our kids on what like life you know you're supposed to be your kids Mentor I guess all one of them but um it'll be really interesting to see if we get any once we start you know these episodes that we're going into where we're really being unfiltered about relationships about not just business relationships um we're talking about sex we're talking about dating all that stuff I'll be interested to see if we get any listeners that are like younger Generations that kind of want to hear a little bit more about you know our experience these old I would hope so yeah the old Parts yeah I'm interested in that stuff though like I like hearing about how [ __ ] was back in the day not the like back in my day we used to walk six miles snow stuff yeah but like how did people communicate what did they do for fun what did high school kids do for fun like it's just so different it's it's crazy how much it changes in like 20 years you know oh yeah so I'm actually having all of um or my kids watch like the movies I used to like love yeah you know U and one by one I'm trying to be like oh well I hope this one's appropriate but as we know like they were they were far more racy they were far more racy back then where I'm like you know what I grew up just fine and I knew these things you know so it's like whatever like I'm just kind of pushing envelopes on this one um I feel like next up is Ace ventur yeah oh I love Ace Ventura well and then so like we're g to get into that for lzard we're gonna talk about movies we're gonna talk about like movies we loved movies we love now we're going to talk about parenting um one topic I'm passionate about I can't wait for us to talk parenting in a tech world that is like whole [ __ ] different beast and I feel like a lot of people if you're a parent you're parenting in a tech world right now so I think and then I'm curious to hear what tips other people have for us that you know their kids are older and they've already been doing this for a little bit so we definitely want this we we say this every time but we definitely want this to be very engaging we want it to be um our listeners reach out to us with questions I think setting the scene for everybody with the ask a man series uh oh I am dying dying to do that are you going to tell it anything or is that it I mean no I think we should tell like what it's I obviously we don't know the questions but we need you guys to definitely start sending us in some questions because we are going to do an ask a man anything series and um my husband has been lucky enough to be selected as the first man um to yeah aon's gonna come on and he's great because he just like tells it like it is and he likes to just Kiki and shoot the [ __ ] too with the girls like he can very much get in girl conversation and like give a he'll give a guy's perspective and he's just like it's not weird or I maybe I'm biased cuz he's my husband but it's not weird talking to him like a lot of my girlfriends talk about [ __ ] in front of him and he like gets in on the conversation so I think it'll be really interesting to see what some of the questions are that people have and what some of his answers are I bet I won't even know what some of his answers are oh that's what like I so what I feel like after that conversation we have to have one with just the two of us to like get all of your feedback and I feel like we need to record it right afterwards like you're just all like what the [ __ ] just happened Fe back what was that yeah no it's like be and I I it has to be a question so this is where our lists we need y'all's help it has to be questions that are um it could be truly about anything but it can't be stuff that like Brien and I don't want to be the one asking them all the questions you know I live with them um she's V it's truly like what would you want to ask a man and I think you know we're gonna that's going to come a little bit later on in our episode St it be the next one but we want to start compiling questions now so if you have some questions we'd love for you to send those in to us yep and if you've ever ever had any burning episode ideas we definitely want that too because remember we are really pushing the limits this but you guys are you know you're not going to want to miss anything I feel like you know we've really taken control I feel like over the talent acquisition podcast you know World in general in the last 100 episodes you know like this took off way more than we even you know realized uh which has been super cool so like yeah like let's just let's just put it out there we we're we're listening you know yeah um we we want to we want to come with it so I'm going to go over one one more and I know I had like five different ones that I really liked but I would say another favorite episode is walk away from Bad Business yeah that one really stirred up some [ __ ] like if I think about when people like reached out yeah wow that one was that one was a biggie because no one wants to say goodbye to business like we all need business we all need a pair of bills but I don't think they realized how powerful it is confidence-wise and how more efficient it is is to walk away from Bad Business yeah and I mean I know we talked about it in that episode like our examples of bad business but we've since had some more and that I feel like something that will we definitely incorporate into the podcast moving forward too as well like just more horror stories of bad business and I think that going back to like why we're going in this different direction where we're really opening ourselves up even more is because of bad business because of bad situations because it's been a rough time at Talent acquisition which I know a lot our listeners can it resonates with them they can relate to that and so we didn't want to restrict ourselves on what we wanted to talk about or what we could talk about or you know and it's like I also other part to this is that I feel like LinkedIn is just so oversaturated now with people doing this exact same thing not necessarily in podcast more but posts and you know all all the stuff that like I feel like wasn't really as prevalent or um it wasn't around as much two years ago when we started the podcast you know it wasn't like now there's a ton of now there's a ton of recruiting podcasts I'm not saying they didn't exist before we weren't the first to do it certainly but I don't know they're just everywhere everybody is giving advice on LinkedIn everybody's doing a podcast and so we're like [ __ ] it let's just do our own thing like let's just this is the we gave you guys the business version that was like our professional version like what the [ __ ] but um but this is us just be really raw with our personal lives and you know we love hearing each other's stories so hopefully it's as interesting to our listeners as it is to us when we tell each other [ __ ] that happens like God this weekend this just happened so um I can't wait to share it with you guys I'm actually really excited about this next chapter yeah so what the listeners didn't get to see or hear um before we started recording is Taylor was a very personal very funny story and I'm like wait tell me on the broadcast yeah tell me right now but like trust me I am dying to know I must hear the rest of that story uh but I think what's cool too is like we're really like just we're just genuine you know like let's just hear it um you know I think it's really rare to find uh a friend and especially what because it was professionally that you can really just be your authentic self totally and no judgment and that's what this podcast is about let's take over let's show show the world how we do it because like yeah we're both we're both great in our job we both have been very successful for the last 16 years and all of this [ __ ] that comes with it matters it came out like like this is why perhaps why we were successful in doing things because we have all of this different stuff and we are navigating our way exactly and it's like I don't know you just see on social media everybody seems to have everything everything's perfect everybody's got this great house great spouse great dog great kids great everything and it's like no that's not really the truth and you know for to your point like we've been we've both been you know what we feel as successful for the last 16 years but it hasn't come with some sacrifices and with some huge mistakes and a lot of learning moments and I know we've talked about that uh I know you specifically have spoken a lot about that in the rise and the Fall episodes but you didn't talk about the personal aspect with that like there was so much you talked about the business rise the business fall like it was all about the business but there was other things happening in your life throughout your career and throughout this journey that I mean really low moments that you've had really low moments I've had um we've both had had low moments since we met each other we both have had like I would say really and I can't wait to tell our listeners about this it's stuff they definitely don't know but we've had like huge life events in the time that we've known each other and so I think really talking about that you know and and people just they just see us pushing through you don't see that there is absolute chaos or [ __ ] show or like our personal lives or a mess from behind the scenes you just see that like we're just showing up we're doing our podcast it seems like we're rocking it from a business standpoint and I'm not saying we weren't but it's just like it's All That Glitters isn't gold you know it's not it's not like everything is perfect all the time I I don't think I've ever had a situation or in my life where everything was perfect all at once you know that I hate that p word that that P word's like the worst like I try to be like nope I'm not even saying that p word I'm GNA keep it the penis penis is my p word well like what everything's good all at once you know I'm say big it's like something's usually like if you pour too much into this cups You're ricing from this one you know what I mean and so I think we both have we've learned a lot in these last few years I think these last few years in ta is hard as they've been have been like my most how do I say this without sounding like a dumbass like my most most growth moments that I've had these like last when the job market has been as hard as it has and you know we both struggle together we've struggled separately like you and I it's just it's going to be wild for our listeners to really hear like oh yeah while we were recording these and doing all this this was happening at that yeah yeah and the morning we recorded this episode this happened and like I just think it'll be really interesting for everybody to get to see all sides of us and really like you know they know us I feel like pretty unfiltered from a business standpoint but to actually get to know us as people I think will be really powerful as well hope yeah it's like the behind the scenes behind the scenes reality show so we now we need to make it big because we're really going to get controversial yeah no we need y'all's help because we may be unavoidable after this we have thought about that yeah we have yeah but we're just going to rock it we're really excited about this new new chapter and excited to bring you guys along with us and hope hopefully everybody that is a current listener um stays a listener I know that some of this may get a little uncomfortable for some of our male listeners hopefully not but um just because we're going to be so raw and unfiltered with what we talk about and of course we're women so it's going to be you know primarily from a woman's perspective minus our ask a man anything but um yeah I'm excited about it I'm excited for them to get to see all aspects of our life yep and you know when you think about it every episode is ask a woman yep it really is well let me tell you yeah but I will say we're Ranier than most women yeah I say y let's get that out of the way yeah like um maybe we used to be men and this life or past two know yeah what where is is that on Austin Powers or something is that where that from is it it's Mrs delire oh be one I knew I like heard that I I was thinking the same thing while you were saying that because I used to be one but I'm like what movie is that on but I love Mrs sire love it love it okay so if you're as excited as we are share it with your friends let's go viral let's have a good time let's have some good conversations CU we'll still see you every

Tuesday sorry thanks y'all

Creators and Guests

Brianna Rooney
Brianna Rooney
I am the CEO and Founder of TalentPerch, Techees Recruiting, The Millionaire Recruiter, and now Thriversity. My vision for the last 14 years has been to change the way the World views the Recruiting Industry. Even though I have two little kids, I remain firm on maintaining a work-life balance. I believe you can be as successful at work, as you are at home. You don’t have to choose. The choice is, to be present and rock everything you do!
Taylor Bradley
Taylor Bradley
Chief Strategy Officer, Talent Leader, Advisor, Podcast Co-host. I specialize in turning DIRT to GLITTER ✨
100th Episode and Big News!
Broadcast by